10350 Santa Monica Blvd. Suite 285, Los Angeles, CA 90025
Phone: 310-691-8920, 310-788-9840, Fax: 419-735 -2419
Card Scanning Solutions
Retrieving information from ID cards
Retrieving the data from an id card involves 4 steps:
Loading the internal image. Scanning the ID card in True color and 300 dpi, 2.2 x 3.6 inch does this.
Processing the internal image – use ProcState to activate the OCR on the scanner’s internal image.
Retrieve the data – use RefreshData function to retrieve the detected data
Export the internal image to a file in the proper dpi and color scheme.
The internal image is overwritten in every new scan. It is the application responsibility to make sure
that the scan is performed in the proper setting (True color, 300 dpi, 2.2 x 3.6 inch). Failing to do so
may result with bad data retrieval.