Copyright © Convergence Systems Limited 2021, All Rights Reserved
Set Access Mode
CS463 can be controlled using popular programming interface APIs.
For configuring the reader to be controlled by LLRP API, please set the Access Mode to LLRP.
For configuring the reader to be controlled by CSL Unified API so that one can use the C#
Demo App to control CS463, please set the Access Mode to CSL Unified API
For customers who have already developed programs using the CS461 high level or low level
API, they can use their existing programs to connect to CS463:
For configuring the reader to be controlled by CS461 High Level API, please remember to set
the Access Mode to “HTTP/XML”
For configuring the reader to be controlled by CS461 Low-Level API (MACH 1 API), please
remember to set the Access Mode to “CS461 Low Level API (MACH1)”.
If you need to configure the reader on the web interface (e.g. Network setting, Time settings,
Event Engine, etc.), you must set the Access Mode to “HTTP/XML”.
If you have already developed codes to control CS108 handheld sled reader, you can set the
Access Mode to “CS108 Bluetooth API“. Once you set that, you can use your iPhone or
Android CS108 App to control this CS463 reader.
Some customers would like to use their own embedded control system. In that case, set the
Access Mode to “Custom Embedded RFID HTTP” and then configure the page “Custom
Embedded RFID Application” so that every time the reader powers up it will run that particular