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Conveyor Belt
Gambling Full Scale Programming and Integration
Full scale programming allows one to fully control the reader and receive data from the reader
with the final goal of integrating the reader with existing business processes, operations and
business intelligence software of the customer, such as middleware, ERP system, database, etc.
Every system integrator has his own favorite such program, either developed by themselves or
based on platforms available from the market, such as Websphere, Weblogic, Biztalk,
SensorEdge, RFIDAnywhere, SAP, Oracle, DB2, Sybase, etc.
Once the system integrator passes through the two initial stages of experimenting with the
browser interface and the programming interface, he/she needs to start looking at what subset
of API calls are needed to enable RFID use in his/her typical customers’ business environment.
The complete library is rather large (CS101-2API library is rich and flexible, and for initial
customers may be not all commands are needed), and .
The API includes a number of commands with different parameters. When programming the
reader, one should understand clearly the command’s usage, effect and the meaning of each
parameter since they affect the reader performance directly.
One example is the set operation profile command. The parameter “duplicateEliminationTime”
is the time interval in which duplicate tags will be eliminated such that the same tag would not
be reported repeatedly during that time interval. It should be set according to situation. Large
value of this parameter does not introduce latency since tag is still reported to trusted server
once it is read if the action mode is configured to “Instant Alert to Server”. However,
unnecessarily small value would increase the reader loading and network traffic. In the worst
scenario, if this value is set to minimum (i.e. 0.5s) and all four antennas are enabled, note that
0.5s is not enough for the reader to switch over all four antennas for the reading operation, as a
result, some tags may be lost. Reader Capability Envelope Discovery
Once full scale programming is started, the user needs to map out the full “flight envelope” of
the reader. Important parameters to figure out includes response time, maximum API sending
rate, necessary and optimal combinations and sequences of API to achieve different states of