Drain Line Connection
1. Pull out clip and remove drain line assembly located on the left side of control valve. Remove drain line hose barb and
wrap threads with Teflon tape. Reinstall drain line hose barb. Caution: Hand tighten only!! Replace drain line assembly
and reinstall clip.
2. Install 1/2" I.D. drain line tubing (not included) from hose barb to an open drain. A 4” gap between the end of the drain
line and the open drain is required to prevent waste water backflow. Keep the drain line as short as possible. An
overhead drain line can be used if necessary, but should discharge below the control valve. A syphon trap (taped loop)
at the outlet of the drain line is advisable to keep the drain line full and assure correct flow during regeneration. Elbows
or other fittings must be kept at a bare minimum.
Where the drain line is elevated above the control valve or exceeds 20’ in length, 3/4" I.D. drain line tubing should
be used.
Brine Line and Overflow Connection
1. Position brine tank on smooth, level surface near the nitrate filter resin tank. If necessary, the brine tank can be placed
at a higher level than the resin tank, but never at a lower level.
2. Install one end of 3/8” O.D. by 1/4" I.D. brine line tubing (included with unit) to compression fitting located on left side of
control valve.
3. Remove brine tank cover.
4. Remove cap from brine well.
5. Insert opposite end of brine line through outer hole in brine tank.
6. Connect brine line to push fitting on safety brine valve located inside brine well.
7. Install 1/2" I.D. drain line tubing (not included) to the overflow fitting on brine tank located just below the brine line.
8. Run the opposite end of brine tank drain line to a suitable drain.
The brine tank drain line is gravity flow and must discharge below the overflow fitting.
Do not “TEE” to the main drain line from control valve.
The brine overflow is provided as a back-up in the event the safety float shut-off should fail, allowing the brine
tank to overfill. This drain connection would then carry the excess water to the drain and prevent flooding of the
floor. Therefore, no liability will or can be assumed by the manufacturer of the nitrate filter should this occur.
Electrical Connection
1. Connect the power supply to the control valve and plug into a 115 volt / 60 Hz receptacle.
Note: Do not plug into an outlet controlled by a wall switch or pull chain that could inadvertently be turned off.
Installing Battery Back-Up
1. Remove the valve cover.
2. Install a 9 volt battery.
Pressurizing The System
1.Slowly rotate handle of the bypass valve to the SERVICE position.
2.Open the nearest faucet to evacuate air from plumbing lines.
3. Check for leaks!