Double click on the file and it should launch. Your PC might ask if you want to Run, click to
Run. Should see something like this:
Click on the
A pop up window will appear to allow you to go to the folder that you stored
the boot loader file. File will be something like, 750_bootloader_D2.01.bin. Note your version
number at the end of the file might be different. Click on the file, and then click on Open, the file
should then appear in the File Package dialog box of the FlashBurn program. Next follow the
four steps shown on the FlashBurn program. Once the radio has rebooted, leave it connected
to your computer. Next locate the firmware update file you stored. File should be something
CS750(2000)_Host_S1.01.03.20150825.bin. Note version number at end of file might be
different. Click on the file, and then click on open, the file should then appear in the File
Package dialog box. Click on the Flash button on the FlashBurn program. Once the download
is completed, the radio should reboot. This completes the update process.
Now that the firmware is updated on the radio, it might show not programmed when powered
up. You need to reload the radio with the updated code plug you translated. With the radio
connected to your computer, launch the programming software, and download the code plug.