Service life and performance of the chain saw are determined by:
1. Degree of air purity
2. Lubrication
3. Maintenance
Prior to operating the saw be sure to:
1. Blow the air hose clear prior to connecting it to the saw. Install dirt and
water separators upstream of the saw 6 - 12 ft (2 - 4 m).
2. Install an air lubricator upstream of the saw and fill it with SAE 5 W to SAE
10 W oil. Optimum lubrication significantly prolongs service life.
3. Regularly check and clean the air inlet screen.
4. Replace wear parts - in particular the motor vanes. It is suggested to
replace the motor vanes if their width is less than 1.083 in. (27.5 mm).
Motor maintenance should be performed by a qualified air tool service
5. Check oil level, when necessary; fill with resin and acid-free SAE 5 W to
SAE 10 W oil.
6. In winter or when using very moist air, use antifreeze lubricant, such as:
“Prolube ATL/AF”, “Killfrost” “BP Energol AX10” or “Kompranol.
7. Air lubricator (oiler) can be adjusted to maximize atomization and minimize
excessive oil use.
KEEP TOOL CLEAN - See system clean up on page 9.