Connection of the Space Charger
First of all you have to switch the inbuilt port of the Space Charger 2.0 from the temperature
sensor to the USB interface. This is described in the manual of the Space Charger 2.0 in the item
“Basic Setup of the Charger” under USB/TEMP/SELECT. Use the arrow keys to switch the port to
USB and confirm this setting by pressing the enter key.
Now you can connect the charger with the computer using the USB Adaptor cable. Plug in the
USB-connector into a free USB-.port of your computer and plug in the three-pole connector to
the port of the charger. Please note, that the plug for the charger has a lead on one side. This
lead has to be on the right side, when plugging into the charger (matching the cut out in the
charger case).
Now the charger is ready to operate with the Interface-Software.
Basic Setup of the Interface-Software
After launching the Interface-Software the following window is displayed:
When not yet been done, you have to select the correct COM-port (left in the bottom) you have
noted down between the installation. Just click on the arrow at the right end of the input field
and select the COM-port. The setting will be saved by the program.
Measuring and save the values
In the middle of the welcome window of the Interface-Software there are two input field. For
measuring the input field above “Log Save Path” is used..