Select with the Batt.Type-key „PROGRAM SELECT LiIo Batt“ and con-
firm it with the Enter-key. Now select the program you need with the
Charging (LiIo CHARGE), use this only if you have no balancer cable.
Balance-Charging (LiIo BALANCE), is recommended, connection to the
balancer is necessary!
Fast Charging (LiIo FAST CHG), shortened charging time!
Storage-Automatic (LiIo STORAGE), important for the life time!
Discharging (LiIo DISCHARGE), only used in special cases, pay attention
to the cell end voltage of 2.5V per cell!
You confirm the program with the enter-key and by pressing the enter-
key again, the charge current is flashing. Now set the charge current
with the -DEC/+INC-keys according to the manufacturer’s indication. The
values are saved with another pressing of the start/enter-key.
Now you have to set the flashing information displayed on the right
side according to the voltage of the LiIo battery and confirm it with the
Charging of LiIo-Batteries with the balancer program: This function
allows the balancing of the voltage of Lithium batteries when charging.
You have to connect the battery with additional balancer cable with the
charger. Charging t with this program is different to the “normal” modes,
cause the voltage of each cell of the battery is checked and will be
adjusted by a different charging current.
When discharging, you have to enter the cell end voltage according
to the manufacturer’s indication. Normally it is 2.5 V per cell and you
should not underrun this voltage. To give you an idea the additional in-
formation of the number of cells can be helpful like 5.0V(2S) for 2 cells
or 7.5V(3S) for 3 cells. Please refer to the safety notes.
If you now press the start/enter-key for more than 3 seconds, the
selected process starts in a safe mode and your settings are checked.
The number of the cells detected by the charger are marked with “R”
and with “S” the number of cells you have entered. If both values
are the same, the display shows “ENTER”. You can now start the
charging process by pressing the enter-key.
If the values are not the same, the charger beeps and you have to
press the Batt-Type/Stop-key. After that you can enter the correct
number of cells respectively the voltage.
To interrupt or to break off the charging process press the Batt.
The completion of the charging process is shown by a flashing
“Full” in the display.
Additional information to the different programs:
While charging or discharging you can display additional infor-
mation: To see the basic settings and information regarding the
charger, press the -DEC/+INC-keys. When pressing the +INC-key.
Information of the connected battery is displayed, for example the
voltage of each cell when charging in the balancer program.
Attention: Please check that the basic setup of the charger has already been done and that the
battery type correspond to the selected charging program!
Charging time