18. Service
In case of defects please send the charger together witch a detailed description
of the problems for service to CS-ELECTRONIC. Freight collect can not be ac-
cepted. Please inform us about your complete address for question we maybe will
have. Please do not forget to include your telephone number and (if existent) your
email-address as well as your mobile number. If you are a registered dealer of us,
please give us your customer code.
CS-ELECTRONIC GmbH, Johann-Karg-Str. 44, D-85540 Haar b. München, Tel.:
+49 89 436 302 99-0, E-Mail: [email protected]
In case of questions you can call or email us.
Sending the product to us, you give us a repair order. On request we make a cost
estimate. This is with costs in case the repair is finally not done.
23. Liability Exclusion
The way you install, operate and maintain the radio control system components can
not be checked by CS-ELECTRONIC. For this reason CS-ELECTRONIC is obliged
to deny all liability for loss, damage or costs which are incurred due to the incom-
petent or incorrect use and operation of our products, or which are connected with
such operation in any way.
24. Guarantee
Products of CS-ELECTRONIC are manufactured according to high standard cri-
teria of quality. CS-ELECTRONIC GmbH, Johann-Karg-Str. 44, D-85540 Haar b.
München, Germany guarantees that this product has been delivered in a faultless
state. CS-ELECTRONIC gives the legal guarantee for production- or material-faults.
This guarantee applies only to such material of operational defects which are
present at the time of purchase. Damages due to wear, overloading, incompetent
handling are not covered by this guarantee. The use of this product is on the risk of
the user.
The users legal rights and claims under guarantee are not affected by this guar-
antee. Please check the product carefully for defects before you make a claim or
send the item back to us, since we are obliged to make a charge of 10,- EUR, if the
product is found free of faults.
We can only handle a guarantee if the product is send to us together with a detailed
description of the failure.
The details for weight, dimensions and others are only reference values. CS-ELEC-
TRONIC does not take any obligation on this specific details, cause technical
changes made for the improvement of the product can change these values.