Crystal Vision
Control and Status monitoring
4.8 ‘Live’ button
In the top right hand corner of the VisionWeb GUI there is an icon labelled
‘Live’. Clicking on this button will display the following menu:
With the ‘Live’ option selected, any changes to any of the controls
will affect the output of SYNNER-VF as normal. Selecting any of the
preset edit options, from Preset edit 1 to Preset edit 16, will only edit
the stored settings of the selected preset memory, and NOT affect
the immediate output. Selecting any of the preset edit options will
cause SYNNER-VF controls to initially reflect the values stored in
that preset memory. Deselecting that preset will cause any changes
made to controls to be stored in that preset memory, to be recalled
from the
SYNNER-VF User Manual R1.1
03 January 2017