Crystal Vision
Control Descriptions
Reset ViViD 3GT-20 settings to default values.
Fact Res Exc
Reset the board to default settings but leave preset memories
Fact Res Inc
Reset the board to default settings and erase preset memories.
GPO Alarms
The GPO 5 and GPO 6 outputs are reserved for alarm indication and may each be
assigned to any of the three video alarm conditions. Black and Frozen alarms have a
delay timer to set the amount of time that the alarm condition must exist before the GPO
is asserted.
GPO 5/6 Asserted
On if the alarm conditions are met.
Input Video Black
Assert GPO if input video is black for the period set by the ‘Black
Delay’ control.
Input Video Frozen
Assert GPO if input video is still-frame for the period set by the
‘Frozen Delay’ control.
ViViD 3GT-20 User Manual R1.1
20 January 2021