Crystal Vision
Statesman main application window
The two large control panes shown in the upper and lower halves of the window may
display different menus for the same card, or controls for different cards. Click on the
horizontal button-bar between the two panes to close the lower plane or drag the button to
vary the size of the panes.
For further details of Statesman configuration and operation please refer to the Statesman
2.2 Using ADCA412 controls
The configuration controls are as follows:
Mode – 48K or Auto
Reference – AES, Wordclock, Video or Internal
Silence time – 1.5 to 120 seconds
Phase inversion
Audio channel assignment
LP filter
Test tone/left ident
AES output phase
Status – reference presence, input sample rate, silence detect, GPI state
Selecting the sample rate mode
The ADCA412 channel operates in two main modes 48K and Auto. Make the selection
with the mouse by placing a selection dot against the required mode.
The primary mode is for the output sample rate clock to be locked to the reference using a
48kHz crystal oscillator to achieve optimum distortion figures. This is referred to as
‘Xtal’ mode and should be used at all times if possible.
ADCA412 User Manual R2.1
30 October 2018