Macro-Tech 3600VZ
Power Amplifier
Page 33
Reference Manual
Maximum Power Specifications
Crown’s maximum power specifications represent the largest amount of output power you can expect from your
amplifier when it is driven to full output under the given conditions. These specifications can be used to prevent
loudspeaker and hearing damage.
The maximum power matrices include specifications for single cycle and 40 millisecond burst sine waves. Burst
signals act like large transient peaks that are present in common source signals. Loudspeakers can respond to a
single cycle burst, so the single cycle burst specifications should be used to help you protect your loudspeakers. In
contrast, a 40 millisecond burst represents the typical response time of the human ear. Your ear will not respond to the
entire dynamic change of a burst that lasts less than 40 milliseconds.
The burst power specifications are provided at 0.05% THD which is a practical low distortion condition. Operating the
amplifier at levels higher than 0.05% THD can result in output power levels that are higher than those listed in the
maximum power matrices.
Maximum Power Notes:
All maximum power specifications
are based on 0.5% regulated AC
mains with THD of less than 1.0%
and an ambient room temperature
of 70° F (21° C). Although it is an
unusual condition, your amplifier
can function well with AC mains
voltages up to 10% over the speci-
fied line voltage. With overvoltage
conditions, your amplifier may be
capable of delivering instanta-
neous power levels up to 20%
greater than the specifications in
the matrix.
1. A single cycle sine wave is pre-
sented to the amplifier and
monitored for nonlinear distor-
tion. The average power during
the burst is reported. Loud-
speakers must be able to with-
stand this level if they are to be
safely used with this amplifier.
2. A 40 millisecond sine wave burst
(10 percent duty cycle) is pre-
sented to the amplifier and moni-
tored for nonlinear distortion.
Average power during the burst
is reported. This power level is a
measurement of the amplifier’s
maximum transient power that
can be perceived by the human
Figure 6.2 Maximum Power Matrix