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IQ–P.I.P.–SLM Programmable Input Processor with Load Monitoring for IQ Systems
Reference Manual
C. AUX Input/Output Connector
A 3-pin, Eurostyle, removable barrier-block connector
is provided to control auxiliary equipment. The AUX
output delivers 15 VDC at 15 mA maximum output
when switched on and may be controlled via software
or may be programmed to switch when a fail condition
is present on any channel.* The AUX connector also
includes a high-impedance (10 K ohm) input that can
sense logic signals and can be programmed to trigger
a test or report fault conditions when a logic high is
present. In this case the sweep is leading-edge trig-
gered and may be aborted by sending a second lead-
ing-edge trigger. (See Section 4.7 for more
D. Reset Switch
A multifunction reset switch is provided to restore the
IQ–P.I.P.–SLM to a prior state. It can be depressed with
a straightened paper clip through the small hole in the
P.I.P. panel. Press the reset switch for less than 2 sec-
onds and all settings will be reset with “user default”
parameters and the Data LED will flash once. (If no
“user default” settings have been stored, the unit will
be reset to the “factory default” settings described
next.) Press the reset switch for more than 2 seconds,
and the same settings will be reset with “factory de-
fault” parameters and the Data LED will flash twice. Af-
ter the unit has been reset to the factory default
settings, it will behave like a standard
P.I.P.-FX until it is
reprogrammed by an
IQ System controller or it is
toggled to the “user default” settings.
E. Data LED
The Data LED flashes whenever a valid IQ command
has been received. The indicator can also be forced to
stay on to aid rapid troubleshooting of the Crown Bus
F. Crown Bus Input/Output Connector
A 4-pin, Eurostyle, removable barrier-block connector
is provided for both input and output connection to the
Crown Bus.
G. IQ Address Switch (SW1)
An 8-section DIP switch is used to set the IQ address
of the unit (see Section 4.1 and (L) below). A valid IQ
address is any number from 1 to 250. Do not use a
number higher than 250 since they are reserved for
special use. This switch is located on the top (IQ) cir-
cuit board. Each IQ component on a Crown Bus is
given a unique IQ address so it can be independently
controlled and monitored. Two or more IQ components
of the same type should NEVER have the same ad-
dress on the same Crown Bus loop.
H. Molex Ribbon Cable Connectors
An 18-pin and a 20-pin Molex ribbon-cable connector
are used to connect the
IQ–P.I.P.–SLM to the amplifier.
The cable-connections diagram (I) printed on the bot-
tom circuit board illustrates connector positioning. The
P.I.P. card should be turned over (audio circuit board
upward) when connecting the ribbon cables from the
amplifier. Turn the P.I.P. card back to an upright posi-
tion (audio circuit board downward) before inserting
the card into the amplifier case.
I. Cable-Connections Diagram
The cable-connections diagram is printed on the bot-
tom circuit board to illustrate the positioning of the
Molex ribbon-cable connectors. When connecting the
ribbon cables from your amplifier to the
the 20-pin cable (A) should be connected first, then
the 18-pin cable (B) should be connected.
J. IQ Circuit Board (Top)
The top circuit board contains the IQ communication
circuitry, including the IQ address switch (SW1).
K. Audio Circuit Board (Bottom)
The bottom circuit board contains the audio analog cir-
L. IQ Address Switch Diagram
This diagram illustrates the IQ address switch layout.
Each switch, when activated (ON), carries the value
indicated in the switch diagram. The address of the
component is determined by adding the value of all
switches which are turned on. Also see Section 4.1 for
information on setting the IQ address.
*The AUX output uses inverse logic when it is configured to report a fail
condition. Normally high, it switches low when any channel fails a test. In
this way it can also indicate a power loss.