SmarTouch STS Touchpanels
ST-1550 & ST-1550C
1. Attach supplied antenna to BNC connector labeled RF on the back of
the control processor.
2. Attach appropriate external AC power pack to control processor and
plug into outlet.
3. Insert the mono mini plug of the STIRP into one of the four IR OUT
ports of the control processor. Refer to the latest revision of the STIRP
Installation Instructions (Doc. 5674) for details to attach the STIRP to
IR sensor windows. Furthermore, your SmarTouch dealer should
provide a listing of equipment that needs to be connected via the STIRP
to each IR OUT port. For example, in the connection diagram provided,
the STIRP in IR PORT A is attached to the VCR.
4. Repeat the previous step, as necessary.
5. Apply power to the touchpanel. Consult the appropriate document
listed in “Applying Power” on page 3.
- If the external AC power pack is used, attach it to the touchpanel and
plug into outlet.
- If the ST-DS is used, rest touchpanel in station and plug into outlet.
- If the ST-BTP is used, insert battery pack into battery compartment.
6. To begin using your SmarTouch STS, simply touch the screen to wake
up your touchpanel. Consult your SmarTouch dealer if your have
questions regarding the appearance of each screen page.
SmarTouch STS
User's Operations Guide - DOC. 5804