Completed Installation
Once complete, the installation will appear as shown below.
Microsoft Teams Devices
To configure the R-Series mobile UC system that utilizes Microsoft
Teams software (UC-FCB-T), refer to the instructions below.
Apply Power
Press the power button on the bottom of the UC Engine (attached to the
UC bracket assembly) and apply power to all of the other devices in the
Configure the Touch Screen
To configure the touch screen:
1. Tap Touch Here to Enable a Specific Application on the bottom of the
touch screen. A list of applications is displayed.
2. Tap Teams Video, and then tap Confirm. The touch screen will reboot.
3. On a computer, open a web browser to the IP address of the touch
screen. Log in and navigate to Settings > Applications.
The touch screen's IP address is displayed the first time the device
is powered on. The IP address can also be found by using the
device discovery tool in Crestron Toolbox™ software, through the
device's setup screens, or via the XiO Cloud® service.
The touch screen and computer must be on the same network
switch and VLAN.
A login with administrative rights for the touch screen is required.
UC-FCB Series
Quick Start
Crestron Flex R-Series Mobile UC Systems