FlipTop Touchpanel Control Center
2. After setting the correct parameters, click
to return to the Crestron
Toolbox main window.
3. Select
Tools | System Info
. If the connection is successful, the
System Info
window displays the processor and device information.
System Info Window
To enter the console mode, click the console mode icon
Uploading a SIMPL Windows Program
A control system source file has
the extension .smw. A compiled
SIMPL Windows file has the
extension .spz for a 2-Series
control system.
The SIMPL Windows file can be uploaded to the control system using SIMPL
Windows or via the Crestron Toolbox.
Upload via SIMPL Windows
1. Start
2. Select
File | Open
to view the “Open” window, navigate to the SIMPL
Window file (.smw), and click
3. Select
Project | Transfer Program
Upload via Crestron Toolbox
1. Verify that the procedure for “Communication Settings” that begins on page
22 has been performed.
FlipTop Touchpanel Control Center: C2N-FT-TPS4/TPS4-U
Operations & Installation Guide - DOC. 6398