50 • ZUM-HUB4
Product Manual — Doc. 9094B
Manage Devices
In the System View, manage devices in the Hardware Management tab. Devices are divided into
two categories: Wired and Wireless. Expand the Wireless menu to view and edit wireless devices.
Expand the Wired menu to view and edit wired devices.
Rooms must be discovered by the ZUM-HUB4 before performing any procedure in this section.
Refer to
Wireless Devices
Access wireless gateways in the Hardware Management tab and expand the Wireless menu.
View information about the gateway, assign Floor or Zone IDs, and identify or remove a
gateway. To view, move, and delete the rooms assigned to the gateway, refer to
Assigned to a Gateway (on the facing page)
Information about the gateway:
Gateway Hostname: Displays the gateway's name.
IP ID: Displays the gateway's IP ID.
Serial Number: Displays the gateway's serial number.
IP Address: Displays the gateway's IP address.
Floor ID: Refer to
Assign a Floor ID to a Gateway (on the facing page)
Zone ID: Refer to
Assign a Floor ID to a Gateway (on the facing page)
Action: Refer to
Identify a Gateway (on the facing page)