6. Recipes
Recommended accessory Quantity Method
250 ml
Add 1 egg, salt, some drops of vinegar or
lemon to the receptacle. Fill with oil up to the
level indicated and switch on, do not move or
agitate until the oil has been bound.
Fruit milkshakes
Add the fruit and mix with blender until smooth. -------
600 ml
Melt 30g of butter in a saucepan over a low
heat, add 100g of lour and 30g of fried onion
(beforehand chop using the mincer attach-
ment) and gradually add 500ml of milk.
15 s
Whipped cream
250 ml
Place cold cream (0 to 5ºC) into a cold recep-
tacle and beat with blender, making vertical
movements. Be careful not to overbeat as the
cream will turn to butter.
2 min
Whipped egg
3 whites
Add the whites to a receptacle and whip with
blender, making vertical movements.
2 min
Mashed pota-
400 g
Potatoes can be blended while still in the
30 s
Baby food
300 g
Cut up 100g of apples, 100g of banana, 50g of
biscuits and place
into a receptacle. Add orange juice and blend.
25 s
Grated bread
50 g
Cut up stale bread and place into goblet. Blend
until desired consistency is achieved.
1,5 min
Grated cheese
100 g
Cut into 1cm cubes and blend until desired
consistency is achieved.
30-50 s
Minced boiled
2 eggs
Cut into four pieces and blend until desired
consistency is achieved.
10 s
Minced meat
(raw or cooked)
150 g
Before blending, cut into 1cm cubes.
30 s
200 g
Peel, dice and blend until desired consistency
is achieved.
30 s
200 g
Remove shell and blend until desired
consistency is achieved.
30 s
Chopped Spa-
nish Serrano
35 g
Previously chop into 1 cm chunks Mince until
the desired texture is obtained
3 s
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