Users should comply with the laws and regulations of the corresponding countries and regions where the
equipment is located (used), abide by professional ethics, pay attention to safety obligations, and strictly
prohibit the use of our products or equipment for any illegal purposes. Creality will not be responsible for
any violators' legal liability under any circumstance.
Delivering the spirit of an evangelist, to make thousands of households can enjoy
the convenience brought by technology
3D printing industry evangelist
Due to the differences among different machine models, the physical machines and the final images can
differ. Please refer to the real machine. The final explanation rights shall be reserved by Shenzhen Creality
3D Technology Co., Ltd.
18F, JinXiuHongDu Building, Meilong Blvd., Longhua Dist., Shenzhen,
China 518131
Official Website:
Tel: +86 755-8523 4565
E-mail: [email protected] [email protected]