Sources To Try With Mojo
During our development phase, we tested Mojo extensively by running all of the audio stems we could
find through it in order to hone-in on the exact circuit design that would suit the most amount of sources.
During this process we found out some very interesting results… having the ability to bypass the Mojo
effect meant that we could really hear what the ‘transformer’ would do to that signal; on circuits where
transformers cannot be bypassed, it’s difficult to know what you’re gaining sonically by using that preamp
Ultimately, this is a very personal topic, but we wanted to share with you some of the most dramatic results
that we came across when we were developing Mojo and testing it on a bunch of different sources. Some
of our results surprised us - they might surprise you too!
Drum Overheads
Overdriven Guitar
Snare Top
Bass Di
- Increased low-end sustain and fatter transients. Smoother High-end.
- Smoother overdrive sounds with more saturation, reduce rumble using HPF.
- Increased sustain with clean transients.
- More shell-body and smoother highs and less brittleness.
- Richer low-end without increasing ring-out in-between hits.
- Smooth and more intimate low-end, reduce plosives with HPF. Apply Mojo
after compression for different results.
- Fuller lows and low-mids with impressive, amp-like depth.
- Stronger undertones and more consistent frequency response throughout
the piano’s range.
- Improved low-end content and dynamics. Mojo adds an element of realism
to programmed drums especially.
Room mics
Electric Guitar
Acoustic Guitar
Snare Bottom
Brass & Woodwind
Organ & Rhodes
- Increased room size, less boxiness on drum rooms especially.
- Increased high-end harmonic content and more open high-mid reduce
rumble using HPF.
- Improved intricacy in the high-end, increased HF blooming. Can exhibit
subtle vintage overdrive effects
- Light ‘compression-like’ effects in boxy frequencies and increased high-mid
harmonic content. Reduce kick bleed with HPF. Perfect when blended with a
Snare Top being sent through Thump.
- Improved cut and harmonic content, Saxophone especially comes alive.
- Improved cut and harmonic content.
- Smoother frequencies on dynamic phrases and accentuation of upper
harmonics. Slight de-essing effects with a less-prominent low-mid ‘boxiness’.
Camden 500 User Manual [WIP]
©2018 Cranborne Audio Ltd