Thump is a style that works best
on - but is not limited to -
low-frequency based instruments.
Thump excites low-end content
by boosting harmonics in the
range of ~100Hz to 20Hz and
below without increasing the
fundamental frequencies -
resulting in fuller low-end on all
reproduction mediums.
As Thump is not EQ-based, the
additional harmonic content is
shaped by the source and it’s
existing low-end frequency content resulting in a natural addition of extra “Thump”. Similar-sounding EQ
moves will result in extreme wooliness as all sonic energy is boosted - even unwanted audio in-between
the hits.
On sources such Kick drum, Thump will add the desired amount of low-end thickness required to provide
the foundation for the rest of the mix to sit on. As Thump is NOT EQ-based, the content added is
controlled by the hits unlike EQ.
On Snare, Vocals, and Guitar - sources that are traditionally filtered at around 80Hz - Thump can still be
used in conjunction with the Camden’s HPF to add low harmonics to the low-mid frequencies without
adding extraneous low-end that could cause havoc during the mix phase.
Camden 500 User Manual [WIP]
©2018 Cranborne Audio Ltd