Winter Storage Mower
Always clean the mower before winter storage.
Charge the battery fully before winter storage. If the battery is not fully charged it can be damaged and in certain
cases be rendered useless.
If the battery is not fully charged, it can be damaged and in certain cases be rendered useless.
Inspect the condition of wear items; that the blades are sharp and that blades and front wheels turn freely.
Correct any deficiencies.
Store the mower in a dry, frost-free environment standing on all four wheels.
Winter storage Charging Station
When possible, disconnect the boundary wire and guide wire from the charging station and store the charging
station and power supply indoors.
Leave the boundary wire and the guide wire in the ground, but protect the ends of the wires from dampness by
connecting them to an original coupler or putting them in a container with grease.
If it is not possible to store the charging station indoors, the charging station must remain connected to the
mains, the boundary wire, and the guide wires.
After Winter Storage
Inspect the mower and charging station contact and charging strips for corrosion, burning, or filth. If the charging
or contact strips require cleaning, clean using fine grade emery cloth.