Rev 03
CCCS Install Manual
Containment Tarps
Each system will have: 8 tarps (4-Lrg and 4-Sm) for a Bi-Fold system. Make sure when hanging tarps that
the webbing is to the inside. Using the plastic tie wraps supplied, tie each tarp loosely to each gate (at
this time only tie a few to get the tarps in place). Once you’ve determined the tarps are on correctly at-
tach remaining ties still leaving loose, utilizing every grommet around the tarp. Once in place, pull the
lower ties tight first, then each side and lastly the top ties tightly. Cut-off the excess length of the tight-
ened tie is desired.
There should be minimal gap if any, between tarp and frame.
Provided with the system is 80” of 3/8” plated chain. This is to be attached to the main gate to stabilize
the bi-fold gate when it is opened. Cut chain into four equal pieces. Attach one end of the chain to the
lower horizontal tube of the main gates approximately 6” away from the 3-hole latch plate. Weld a j-hook
on the side of the trailer to secure the chain when not in use.
Mask all of the lights on the trailer to prevent overspray when painting frame and bulkhead. Mask and
paint front and rear bulkheads using a direct to metal paint.
Grease hinge pins.
To open system: Release safety ratchet on the locking device. Then use the pivoting latch plate to re-
lease the bi-fold gates from the locking device. Open bi-fold gates up to main gates and secure with
chains. Release ratchets at the joints of the gate sections and open the folded sections to the bulkhead
and secure using the bulkhead locking rods. Reverse steps to close.
When installing your system, use OSHA approved ladders or scaffolding when working above ground level.
1. Be careful of existing debris on the truck bed.
2. Keep clothing and body parts clear of any moving parts while operating the system.
Grease hinge pins at least twice per year.
Take necessary safety precautions to secure components during installation.