This import ant Saf et y, Regulat ory, and Warrant y Guide cont ains saf et y, handling, disposal,
regulat ory, t rademark, copyright , and sof t ware licensing inf ormat ion.
Read all saf et y inf ormat ion below and operat ing inst ruct ions bef ore using t he device t o
avoid inj ury.
This equipment has been t est ed and f ound t o comply wit h t he limit s f or a Class B digit al
device, pursuant t o Part 15 of t he FCC Rules. These limit s are designed t o provide
reasonable prot ect ion against harmf ul int erf erence in a resident ial inst allat ion. This
equipment generat es, uses and can radiat e radio f requency energy and, if not inst alled
and used in accordance wit h t he inst ruct ions, may cause harmf ul int erf erence t o radio
communicat ions. However, t here is no guarant ee t hat int erf erence will not occur in a
part icular inst allat ion. If t his equipment does cause harmf ul int erf erence t o radio or
t elevision recept ion, which can be det ermined by t urning t he equipment of f and on, t he
user is encouraged t o t ry t o correct t he int erf erence by one of t he f ollowing measures:
• Reorient or relocat e t he receiving ant enna.
• Connect t he equipment int o an out let on a circuit dif f erent f rom t hat t o which t he
receiver is connect ed.
• Increase t he separat ion bet ween t he equipment and receiver.
• Consult t he dealer or an experienced radio/ TV t echnician f or help.
Any changes or modificat ions not expressly approved by t he part y responsible f or
compliance could void t he user’ s aut horit y t o operat e t his equipment .
This device complies wit h Part 15 of t he FCC Rules. Operat ion is subj ect t o t he f ollowing
t wo condit ions: (1) t his device may not cause harmf ul int erf erence, and (2) t his device
must accept any int erf erence received, including int erf erence t hat may cause undesired
operat ion.
For product available in t he USA/ Canada market , only channel 1-11 can be operat ed.
Select ion of ot her channels is not possible.
Operat ion of t he 5 GHz WiFi radios is rest rict ed t o indoor use only.
This device meet s all t he ot her requirement s specif ied in Part 15E, sect ion 15.407 of t he
FCC Rules
This equipment complies wit h FCC radiat ion exposure limit s set f ort h f or an uncont rolled
environment . This equipment should be inst alled and operat ed wit h minimum dist ance of
20 cm bet ween t he radiat or and your body.
This device and it s ant ennas(s) must not be co-locat ed or operat ing in conj unct ion wit h
any ot her ant enna or t ransmit t er except in accordance wit h FCC mult i-t ransmit t er
product procedures.
To comply wit h FCC regulat ions limit ing bot h maximum RF out put power and human
exposure t o RF radiat ion, t he maximum cellular ant enna gain must not exceed 5 dBi,
except when operat ion in Band 30 is not disabled. (See “
sect ion in t he online user manual at www.cradlepoint .com
To comply wit h FCC regulat ions limit ing bot h maximum RF out put power and human
exposure t o RF radiat ion, t hese devices may only operat e wit h monopole ant ennas
according t o t he f ollowing t able. Ant ennas having a higher or lower gain are st rict ly
prohibit ed. The required ant enna impedance is 50 ohms.
Type Model Ant enna
WiFi N/ A Monopole 2402-2483.5
5150-5250 MHz
5250-5350 MHz
5470-5725 MHz
5725-5850 MHz
0. 0 – 5. 50 dBi
0. 0 – 5. 81 dBi
0. 0 – 5. 77 dBi
0. 0 – 5. 71 dBi
0. 0 – 5. 99 dBi
This device complies wit h ISED’ s license-exempt RSS st andards. Operat ion is subj ect t o
t he f ollowing t wo condit ions: (1) t his device may not cause int erf erence, and (2) t his
device must accept any int erf erence, including int erf erence t hat may cause undesired
operat ion of t he device.
For product available in t he USA/ Canada market , only channel 1-11 can be operat ed.
Select ion of ot her channels is not possible.
Caut ion :
(i) t he device f or operat ion in t he band 5150-5250 MHz is only f or indoor use t o reduce t he
pot ent ial f or harmf ul int erf erence t o co-channel mobile sat ellit e syst ems;
(ii) f or devices wit h det achable ant enna(s), t he maximum ant enna gain permit t ed f or
devices in t he bands 5250-5350 MHz and 5470-5725 MHz shall be such t hat t he equipment
st ill complies wit h t he e. i. r. p. limit ; (det achable ant enna only)
(iii) f or devices wit h det achable ant enna(s), t he maximum ant enna gain permit t ed f or
devices in t he band 5725-5850 MHz shall be such t hat t he equipment st ill complies wit h
t he e. i.r.p. limit s as appropriat e; (det achable ant enna only)
This equipment complies wit h IC radiat ion exposure limit s set f ort h f or an uncont rolled
environment . This equipment should be inst alled and operat ed wit h minimum dist ance of
21 cm bet ween t he radiat or and your body.
This device and it s ant ennas(s) must not be co-locat ed or operat ing in conj unct ion wit h
any ot her ant enna or t ransmit t er except in accordance wit h IC mult i-t ransmit t er product
This radio t ransmit t er (IC: 6921A-S5A052A, 2417C-EM91) has been approved by Indust ry
Canada t o operat e wit h t he ant enna t ypes list ed below wit h t he maximum permissible
gain and required ant enna impedance f or each ant enna t ype indicat ed. Ant enna t ypes not
included in t his list , having a gain great er t han t he maximum gain indicat ed f or t hat t ype,
are st rict ly prohibit ed f or use wit h t his device.
This device has been designed t o operat e wit h cellular ant ennas having a maximum gain
of 5 dBi. Ant ennas having a higher gain are st rict ly prohibit ed per regulat ions of Indust ry
Canada. The required ant enna impedance is 50 ohms.
These devices have been designed t o operat e wit h monopole ant ennas according t o t he
f ollowing t able. Ant ennas having a higher or lower gain are st rict ly prohibit ed per
regulat ions of Indust ry Canada. The required ant enna impedance is 50 ohms.
Type Model Ant enna
WiFi 170
WiFi N/ A Monopole 2402-2483.5
5150-5250 MHz
5250-5350 MHz
5470-5725 MHz
5725-5850 MHz
0. 0 – 5.50 dBi
0. 0 – 5.81 dBi
0. 0 – 5.77 dBi
0. 0 – 5.71 dBi
0. 0 – 5.99 dBi
Le présent appareil est conf orme aux CNR d’ ISED applicables aux appareils radio exempt s
de licence. L’ exploit at ion est aut orisée aux deux condit ions suivant es : (1) le disposit if ne
doit pas produire de brouillage préj udiciable, et (2) ce disposit if doit accept er t out
brouillage reçu, y compris un brouillage suscept ible de provoquer un f onct ionnement
Pour les produit s disponibles aux Ét at s-Unis / Canada du marché, seul le canal 1 à 11
peuvent êt re exploit és. Sélect ion d'aut res canaux n'est pas possible.
Avert issement :
Le guide d’ ut ilisat ion des disposit if s pour réseaux locaux doit inclure des inst ruct ions
précises sur les rest rict ions susment ionnées, not amment :
(i) les disposit if s f onct ionnant dans la bande 5150-5250 MHz sont réservés uniquement
pour une ut ilisat ion à l’ int érieur af in de réduire les risques de brouillage préj udiciable aux
syst èmes de sat ellit es mobiles ut ilisant les mêmes canaux;
(ii) pour les disposit if s munis d’ ant ennes amovibles, le gain maximal d’ ant enne permis
pour les disposit if s ut ilisant les bandes de 5 250 à 5 350 MHz et de 5 470 à 5 725 MHz doit
êt re conforme à la limit e de la p. i. r. e;
(iii) pour les disposit if s munis d’ ant ennes amovibles, le gain maximal d’ ant enne permis
(pour les disposit if s ut ilisant la bande de 5 725 à 5 850 MHz) doit êt re conf orme à la limit e
de la p. i. r. e. spécif iée, selon le cas;
Cet équipement est conf orme aux limit es d'exposit ion aux rayonnement s IC ét ablies pour
un environnement non cont rôlé. Cet équipement doit êt re inst allé et ut ilisé avec un
minimum de 21 cm de dist ance ent re la source de rayonnement et vot re corps.
Cet appareil et son ant enne (s) ne doit pas êt re co-localisés ou f onct ionnement en
associat ion avec une aut re ant enne ou t ransmet t eur.
Le présent émet t eur radio (IC: 6921A-S5A052A, 2417C-EM91) a ét é approuvé par Indust rie
Canada pour f onct ionner avec les t ypes d'ant enne énumérés ci-dessous et ayant un gain
admissible maximal et l'impédance requise pour chaque t ype d'ant enne. Les t ypes
d'ant enne non inclus dans cet t e list e, ou dont le gain est supérieur au gain maximal
indiqué, sont st rict ement int erdit s pour l'exploit at ion de l'émet t eur
Ce disposit ive a et e concu pour f onct ionner ave une ant enna cellulaire ayant un gain
maximal de 5 dBi. Une ant enne a gain plus eleve est st rict ement int erdit e par les
reglemnet s d’ Indust rie Canada. L’ impedance d’ ant enne requise est de 50 ohms.
Ces appareils ont ét é conçus pour f onct ionner avec des ant ennes monopôles
conf ormément au t ableau suivant . Les ant ennes ayant un gain supérieur ou inf érieur sont
st rict ement int erdit es par les règlement s d'Indust rie Canada. L'impédance d'ant enne
requise est de 50 ohms.
Type Model Ant enna
WiFi N/ A Ant ennes
2402-2483.5 MHz
5150-5250 MHz
5250-5350 MHz
5470-5725 MHz
5725-5850 MHz
0. 0 – 5.50 dBi
0. 0 – 5.81 dBi
0. 0 – 5.77 dBi
0. 0 – 5.71 dBi
0. 0 – 5.99 dBi