Training is required before operating this machine.
Keep machine out of the vicinity of children.
Do not allow children on or near the machine.
Those with impaired mental, physical, or sensory
abilities should not operate the machine.
Concrete Polishing Solutions machines should be used only in the manner CPS recommends.
Anyone using the G-210 should know about:
Machine Functions
Emergency Stop cedure
Workplace Safety Rules
The operator of the machine:
Should ensure that no unauthorized person is in the area when the machine is started.
The workplace:
Should be suitable to using a grinder, including per ventilation
Should be free of debris and loose objects that could potentially be thrown out by the
Should be free of exposed bolts or other implements that could damage the machine or
cause injury.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):
Safety Goggles
Protective Gloves
Steel Toe Safety Shoes
Hearing Protection
Respiratory Mask
Do not wear clothing that is loose-fitting, as it could become caught or snagged by the
machine, including scarves, bracelets, or rings.
Maintenance and service should only be performed by qualified personnel or certified
Access to a clearly marked fire extinguisher should be vided at all times.
Do not perform maintenance or service on live or operational machines. Machine should
be turned off before any service or maintenance is completed.