CPI Confidential V 11
June 12, 2009
S-Band DFTS D50 Maintenance Procedure
V 1.1
CPI’s S-band Klystrons may require channel changer plunger cleaning and lubrication
periodically. This is generally only the case when in normal operation there is extensive
tuner usage and/or the klystron is exposed to an extremely harsh environment.
This document describes the S-band Klystron channel changer cleaning procedure which
was developed for implementation at CMP Georgetown or at approved CPI service
centers. Customer implementation is at the customers own discretion. Should the
customer decide to perform this operation, CPI cannot be responsible for any damage to
the klystron by the incorrect application of this procedure or by improper handling of the
The procedure will take a few hours. It should be implemented by qualified technicians
with knowledge about CPI klystron products. The successful maintenance of the tuner
may be difficult to perform while it is inside the KPA. The option of taking the klystron
out of the KPA prior to implementing this procedure should be seriously considered.
If the klystron/KPA is in the power-on state, it needs to be powered down in a controlled
manner as described in the operation manual allowing sufficient time for the collector to