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H 355 - IET 7143 - 7183 C1 Eng.
18.01.10 AM
Rev. 06
Since the meter incorporates an historic memory of consumption from the moment of its installation, it is designed
to provide the maximum security for the data stored in this memory, even in the presence of electrical and radio
On the basis of the above tests the meter has been assigned to
Class A
– the highest recognized by the standards.
Class A does not specify particular measures when laying the cables necessary for the installation of the unit; howe-
ver, particular care is recommended to ensure a high degree of safety.
Data protection: in section 16.
on page 10 is described the procedure for protecting the data.
Even if the unit should suffer irreversible damage, malicious or not, the data recorded always remains in memory; this
data can be recovered by COSTER using a special procedure in its own workshops.
The meters are labelled according to the requirements of MID 2004/22/EC.
Since the unit is universal, it can be connected to a volumetric meter of any type and size and calibrated accordin-
These data appear on the display, once the coupling with the volumetric meter has been made.
The data on the display are reliable, since the coupling is memorised in the unit and is protected by a seal.
Note : the pulses recorded are forwarded after a maximum time of 15 minutes
Transmission of volume pulses processed by IET 71.. (INDIRECT mode)
The CV output transmits a pulse every 1 or 10 or 100 or 1000 litres, according to the weight of the output of the
volumetric meter and to the type of output(litres/pulse of pulses/litres).
The pulses transmitted have a duration of 100 ms; if more than one pulse is to be transmitted the time
interval between one pulse and the next is 2 seconds.
Example 1: Woltmann meter of 60m
with pulse transmitter of 1000 litres/pulse.
Each pulse transmitted by IET 71.. = 1000 litres.
Example 2: ultrasound transmitter of 6 m
/h, with
pulse transmitter of 10 pulses/litre.
Each pulse transmitted by IET 71..= 10 litres
Meter output
Meter output
Energy per pulse
litres per pulse (l/p)
pulse per litre (p/l)
Up to 1 litres/pulse
100 pulses/litre & over
1 litre
over 1 & up to 10
below 100 & up to 10
10 litres
over 10 & up to 100
below 10 & up to 5
100 litres
over 100
below 5
1000 litres
This transmission of pulses is of the indirect type since it is not a copy of what the volumetric meters transmit, but
is already the processed volume which, by means of an external meter, can be measured in a second way for sa-
Note: the pulses recorded are transmitted after a maximum interval of 15 minutes.
Application example: connection of the signal to an external processing system for its viewing and/or control (su-
pervision system, PLC etc.)
Transmitting volume pulses in DIRECT mode
The CV output transmits exactly the same pulses received from the volumetric meter, the same number and form
and without any processing by IET 71.., if not with the addition of special insulation so as to have longer connecting
wires without problems. This output is used for calculating the instantaneous flow very quickly and accurately, without
the delays inevitably introduced by the IET.. microprocessor.
Example of application: automatic limitation of the primary flow in District Heating sub-stations.
If COSTER XTT 618 or XTT 608 controllers are used, please refer to the application examples
provided in technical factsheets B 283, page 3 (XTT 618) and B 284, page 4 (XTT 608).
Meter output
Meter output
Energy per pulse
litres per pulse (l/p)
pulses per litre (p/l)
Up to 10 litres/pulse
25 pulses/litre & over
1 KW hour
over 10 & up to 100
below 25 up to 5
10 KW hour
over 100
below 5
100 KW hour
Example 1: Woltmann meter of 60 m
with pulse transmitter1000 litres/pulse = 100 KW
hours each pulse transmitted by IET 71…
Example 2: ultrasound transmitter of 6 m
/h, with
pulse transmitter10 pulses/litre = 10 KW hours
each pulse transmitted by IET 71…
The unit is provided with a standard C-Bus output for local or remote readout of all the data and
for certain non-fiscal settings.
For remote readout C-Bus is used according to the standards already described in the general data sheet on C-
For local readout it is necessary to use a PC connected to C-Bus via ACB 232 convertor cable or connected to the
appropriate connector of other C-Bus amplifiers (e.g. PCB 432), using a normal cable for RS232.
Transmitting energy pulses
The CE output transmits a pulse every 1 KW hour or 10 KW hour or 100 KW hour, according to the output weight of
the volumetric meter and to the type of output (litres/pulse or pulses/litre).
The transmitted pulses have a duration of 100 ms; if more than one pulse is to be transmitted the time
interval between one pulse and the next is 2 seconds.