background image

Modello - Modèle - Model

Modell - Modelo


Fabbricante - Constructeur

Manufacturer - Hersteller


EPTA S.p.A. - Sede legale

Via Mecenate, 86 - 20138 Milano – Italy

Capitale € 68.515.000 - R.E.A./MI – 1730229

Registro delle Imprese e Cod.Fiscale n. 04160730968

Partita IVA 04160730968





7.  USE






The manufacturer cannot be held liable for damage caused by people, property or the equipment itself due to display of 

products other than the afore-specified.


The appliance described in this manual conforms with Machine Directive 2006/42/CE.

The content of this manual is technical and the property of EPTA s.p.a. It is forbidden to reproduce, distribute or modify 

entirely or partially its content without written authorisation.

The owner company safeguards its rights pursuant to legislation in force.

Read the manual carefully and adhere to the contents before installing and using the appliance.

The company cannot be held in any way liable for any damage to people, animals or the product conserved in the event of:


Improper use of the equipment or use by unsuitable or unauthorised staff.


Incorrect installation or power supply not suitable for the appliance.


Non-compliance with this manual.


Non-compliance with the maintenance program.


Unauthorized modifications to the appliance.


Installation of non-original spare parts on equipment.


Installation and use of the equipment for aims differing from those specified in this manual.


Tampering with or damage to the power supply cable.

Responsibility  for  application  of  the  safety  provisions  outlined  below  is  the  responsibility  of  the  technical  staff  responsible  for  the 

activities planned on the equipment, who must ensure the authorised staff:


Are qualified to perform the task requested


Know and strictly comply with the provisions contained in this document


Know and apply the general safety standards applicable to the equipment.

Tampering with or unauthorised replacement of one or more parts of the equipment, use of 

accessories that change its use and use of spare parts differing from those recommended can cause 

risks of accidents.

Any intervention on the equipment strictly requires disconnection of the power socket and however 

no guard (grids, casings) should be removed by unqualified staff; strictly avoid operating the freezer 

with these guards removed.



Located on the plate affixed to the machine to detect the technical data.


Check the model and power supply voltage before carrying out any operation.


If discrepancies are found, immediately contact the manufacturer or the company that supplied the equipment.

1.  Manufacturer

2.  Code

3.  Conformity marking

4.  Power supply voltage (V)

5.  Power supply frequency (Hz)

6.  Absorbed electrical power (W)

7.  Absorbed electrical power in defrosting (W)

8.  Light max. power (W)

9.  Gross volume

10.  Type and quantity of refrigerant

11.  Climate class

It  is  strictly  forbidden  to  remove,  tamper  with  the  plate  and  change  or  alter  the  data 

contained in it.













*Example of

  data plates

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Страница 6: ...ata con cura all interno dei magazzini o locali al riparo da interperie agenti atmosferici e dall esposizione diretta dei raggi del sole ad una temperatura compresa tra 0 e 40 C 6 SCELTA DEL LUOGO DI...

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Страница 11: ...i motivi chiamare immediatamente il pi vicino centro di assistenza e procedere allo svuotamento completo ed allo stoccaggio immediato del prodotto in celle o refrigeratori atti a mantenerne la tempera...

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Страница 13: ...sure that all refrigerant pipes are not damaged before connecting the appliance to the mains supply Every 8 gr Of refrigerant the installation room must have a 1 m minimum volume The amount of refrige...

Страница 14: ...FOR CORRECT DISPOSAL OF THE PRODUCT IN ACCORDANCE WITH EC DIRECTIVE 2012 19 UE For reasons connected with the safeguard of the environment and in compliance with what Directive 2011 65 EC and the rel...

Страница 15: ...he tanks over the max load level It is fundamental not to exceed the load limits indicated to avoid altering correct air circulation and thereby avoid a higher product temperature WARNING The product...

Страница 16: ...oning the appliance horizontally or on its side or upside down is to be strictly avoided Handling is reserved to the authorised after sales service The equipment MUST be kept vertical 5 STORAGE AND DI...

Страница 17: ...atmospheric agents and direct exposure to sunlight at a temperature between 0 and 40 C 6 CHOICE OF THE INSTALLATION SITE In selecting the place of installation ensure that the following instructions...

Страница 18: ...program Unauthorized modifications to the appliance Installation of non original spare parts on equipment Installation and use of the equipment for aims differing from those specified in this manual...

Страница 19: radiator cooking surface and so on and in a position out of direct sunlight Follow the installation instructions to ensure adequate ventilation Insufficient ventilation to the back of the appliance...

Страница 20: ...NECTING THE POWER PLUG BEFORE CLEANING For a good preservation of the cabinet s body a periodical cleaning is necessary 1 EXTERNAL BODY When necessary the external body should be cleaned with a cloth...

Страница 21: ...nts Never use a water hose or a high pressure jet to clean the cabinet WARNING Do not use jet of water to clean the cabinet electrical wiring could be damaged WARNING Never use mechanical devices or a...

Страница 22: ...inet has been filled correctly Load the product correctly User Check that the unit is not adjacent to sources of heat Position the equipment correctly User Check the temperature setting Set the correc...

Страница 23: ...000 R E A MI 1730229 Registro delle Imprese e Cod Fiscale n 04160730968 Partita IVA 04160730968 PAGE 2 3 6 4 N DOC UM000473 22 INSERTION OF PROBE PT1000 OPTIONAL The counter can have probe PT1000 supp...

Страница 24: r frig rant ne sont pas endommag s avant de brancher l appareil au r seau d alimentation Tous les 8 g de r frig rant la pi ce d installation doit disposer d un volume minimum de 1 m La quantit de r...

Страница 25: ...ERMES DE LA DIRECTIVE EUROP ENNE 2012 19 UE Pour des raisons inh rentes la protection de l environnement et en conformit avec ce qui est dispos par la Directive 2011 65 EC les meubles pour produits r...

Страница 26: ...lument interdit de charger le produit dans les cuves plus en haut de la ligne de charge Il est essentiel de ne pas d passer les limites de charge indiqu es afin de ne pas alt rer la circulation correc...

Страница 27: ...aites par du personnel technique autoris Le r frig rateur doit rester vertical 5 STOCKAGE ET D BALLAGE ATTENTION Utiliser des gants de protection durant les op rations de d ballage et installation Dur...

Страница 28: ...ts ou les locaux l abri des intemp ries des agents atmosph riques et non expos directement aux rayons du soleil une temp rature de 0 40 C 6 CHOIX DU LIEU D INSTALLATION Pour un fonctionnement sans d f...

Страница 29: ...ces de rechange non originales Installation et utilisation de l appareillage pour des buts autres que ceux sp cifi s dans ce manuel Violation ou endommagement du c ble d alimentation La responsabilit...

Страница 30: ...e loin de sources de chaleur radiateur plans de cuisson et ainsi de suite et dans une position non expos e directement la lumi re du soleil Afin de garantir une ventilation adapt e suivre les instruc...

Страница 31: ...areil Pour le branchement n utiliser en aucun cas des r ductions des rallonges des adaptateurs ou des prises multiples Le branchement doit se faire par cons quent de mani re DIRECTE au r seau d alimen...

Страница 32: ...le nettoyage de le banc ATTENTION Ne pas utiliser de jets d eau durant les op rations de nettoyage les pi ces lectriques peuvent s endommager ATTENTION Ne pas utiliser de dispositifs m caniques ou d...

Страница 33: ...ment du meuble est correct Charger le produit correctement Utilisateur Contr ler que l appareil ne se trouve pas proche d une source de chaleur Positionner correctement l appareil Utilisateur Contr le...

Страница 34: ...229 Registro delle Imprese e Cod Fiscale n 04160730968 Partita IVA 04160730968 PAGE 3 4 6 4 N DOC UM000473 22 INSERTION SONDE PT1000 OPTION Le comptoir peut tre fourni avec la sonde PT1000 Pour acc de...

Страница 35: ...versorgung angeschlossen wird muss daher berpr ft werden ob auch alle Leitungen des K hlkreislaufs intakt sind Pro 8 Gramm K ltemittel muss der Installationsort ein Volumen von mindestens 1m3 aufweise...


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Страница 38: ...der auf dem Kopf stehend aufgestellt werden Die Durchf hrung der Positionierungsarbeiten muss durch autorisiertes technisches Servicepersonal erfolgen Das K hlm bel muss aufrecht stehen 5 POSITIONIERU...

Страница 39: ...Ort aufgestellt werden wo es vor Witterungseinfl ssen atmosph rischen Einfl ssen und direkter Sonneneinstrahlung gesch tzt ist Die Temperatur muss dabei zwischen 0 und 40 C liegen 6 WAHL DES INSTALLAT...

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Страница 43: ...Reinigungsmittel Verwenden Sie f r die Reinigung des K hlm bels nie flie endes Wasser oder einen Hochdruckreiniger ACHTUNG Reinigen Sie das M bel nicht mit einem Wasserstrahl Dabei k nnten elektrische...

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Страница 45: ...lle Imprese e Cod Fiscale n 04160730968 Partita IVA 04160730968 PAGE 4 5 6 4 N DOC UM000473 22 EINSATZ DER TEMPERATURSONDE PT1000 OPTIONAL Das K hlm bel kann mit der Sonde PT1000 geliefert werden Um z...

Страница 46: ...egurarse de que todos los tubos del circuito no est n da ados antes de conectar el aparato a la red de alimentaci n El local debe disponer de un volumen m nimo de 1 m por cada 8 gr de refrigerante La...

Страница 47: ...otecci n del medio ambiente y de conformidad con cuanto establecido por la Directiva 2011 65 EC y los decretos de implementaci n correspondientes los muebles para productos refrigerados y congelados a...

Страница 48: ...iar esmeradamente el banco completo con agua tibia y jab n neutro al 5 y luego enjugar con un pa uelo sople Para la limpieza de los vidrios utilizar s lo productos espec ficos Evitar el empleo de agua...

Страница 49: ...icio de asistencia t cnica autorizado El refrigerador debe permanecer vertical 5 ALMACENAMIENTO Y DESEMBALAJE ATENCI N Utilizar guantes de protecci n durante las operaciones de desembalaje e instalaci...

Страница 50: ...a all interno dei magazzini o locali al riparo da interperie agenti atmosferici e dall esposizione diretta dei raggi del sole ad una temperatura compresa tra 0 e 40 C 6 ELECCI N DEL LUGAR DE INSTALACI...

Страница 51: ...nes no autorizadas en el aparato Instalaci n en el equipo de piezas de repuestos no originales Instalaci n y uso del aparato para fines distintos de los especificados en este manual Alteraci n o da o...

Страница 52: ...diador encimera etc y en una posici n no expuesta directamente a la luz del sol Para garantizar una ventilaci n adecuada seguir las instrucciones de instalaci n Una ventilaci n insuficiente en la part...

Страница 53: ...educciones alargadores adaptadores o tomas m ltiples As pues la conexi n debe efectuarse de forma DIRECTA a la red de alimentaci n El cable tiene que estar bien tensado en una posici n al reparo de po...

Страница 54: ATENCI N No use chorros de agua en las operaciones de limpieza se pueden da ar las partes el ctricas ATENCI N No use dispositivos mec nicos ni otros medios para acelerar el proceso de descongelaci...

Страница 55: ...rrectamente Cargar correctamente el producto Usuario Controlar que el equipo no se encuentre cerca de una fuente de calor Ubicar correctamente el equipo Usuario Controlar la configuraci n de la temper...

Страница 56: ...tale 68 515 000 R E A MI 1730229 Registro delle Imprese e Cod Fiscale n 04160730968 Partita IVA 04160730968 PAGE 5 6 6 4 N DOC UM000473 22 INTRODUCCI N SONDA PT1000 OPCIONAL Para acceder a dicha sonda...

Страница 57: ...yst me de fermeture T rschliesssystem Sistema cierre Pannello comandi Command panel Panneau de commande Bedienpult Panel de mandos Ripiani regolabili Adjustable shelving Tablettes r glables Verstellba...

Страница 58: ...ano Italy Capitale 68 515 000 R E A MI 1730229 Registro delle Imprese e Cod Fiscale n 04160730968 Partita IVA 04160730968 PAGE 5 8 6 4 N DOC UM000473 Specifiche tecniche Technical specification D tail...

Страница 59: ...ano Italy Capitale 68 515 000 R E A MI 1730229 Registro delle Imprese e Cod Fiscale n 04160730968 Partita IVA 04160730968 PAGE 5 9 6 4 N DOC UM000473 Specifiche tecniche Technical specification D tail...

Страница 60: ...ano Italy Capitale 68 515 000 R E A MI 1730229 Registro delle Imprese e Cod Fiscale n 04160730968 Partita IVA 04160730968 PAGE 6 0 6 4 N DOC UM000473 Specifiche tecniche Technical specification D tail...

Страница 61: ...Bruttovolumen l Volumen Bruto litros 973 1458 1944 Volume Netto litri Net volume Liters Volume net l Nettovolumen l Volumen neto litros 673 5 1009 5 1345 Refrigerazione Refrigeration R frig ration K...

Страница 62: ...A Sede legale Via Mecenate 86 20138 Milano Italy Capitale 68 515 000 R E A MI 1730229 Registro delle Imprese e Cod Fiscale n 04160730968 Partita IVA 04160730968 PAGE 6 2 6 4 N DOC UM000473 Schema elet...

Страница 63: ...rieur de la cuve Led lampe im innern der wanne L mpara led e interior recipiente LPS Alimentatore led Led power supply unit Alimentateur led Led versorgung Alimentador led MC Motoventola condensatore...

Страница 64: ...entazione tecnica Utilizzi non corretti possono causare un deperi mento anticipato dei prodotti alimentari CONDIZIONI AMBIENTALI Il presente apparecchio destinato a funzionare in ambienti in cui la te...

Страница 65: toujours particuli rement attentif la pro tection de l environnement le groupe Epta met la disposition des utilisateurs les manuels de d m ant lement et de traitement des meubles r frig r s groupe...

Страница 66: ...ult files disassembly_manual_closed_cabinets_epta pdf OTHER INFORMATION For further and more detailed information please refer to www eptarefrigeration com and to EPREL https ec europa eu info ener gy...

Страница 67: ...igeration com Las instrucciones de instalaci n dedicadas al per sonal experto est n disponibles En la red de asistencia En algunas categor as de producto impresas en papel y entregadas con el producto...

Страница 68: sobresselentes e as informa es para a repara o do aparelho est o disponibilizadas por pelo menos 8 anos ap s o produto ser declarado fora de produ o no endere o web a seguirnindica do www epta ser...

Страница 69: ...europa eu info energy clima te change environment standards tools and la bels products labelling rules and requirements energy label and ecodesign product database_en com acesso diretamente atrav s d...

Страница 70: ...Sede legale Via Mecenate 86 20138 Milano Italy Capitale 68 515 000 R E A MI 1730229 Registro delle Imprese e Cod Fiscale n 04160730968 Partita IVA 04160730968 PAGE 6 4 6 4 N DOC UM000473 www costan co...
