Programme 1
Programme 2
Having selected the pre-set programme, it is however possible to customize it as one likes, following the same
indications in the previous paragraph “Domestic hot water programming”.
5.9 - Adjusting the system operating parameters
Using key KM and then key K4 (>>), access is gained to page 2 of the menus.
Using key K2 (IMP), the menu for adjusting the operating parameters is selected.
The menu makes it possible to display, and subsequently change, the parameters which can be accessed by the
Using keys K1 (<<) and K4 (>>), it is possible to display the information listed below:
· TMP AMB T0 adjustment of room temperature value T0
(can adopt values ranging between 7 and 35°C)
· TMP AMB T1 adjustment of room temperature value T1
(can adopt values ranging between 7 and 35°C)
· TMP AMB T2 adjustment of room temperature value T2
(can adopt values ranging between 7 and 35°C)
· PROGR SAN adjustment of domestic hot water programme type (can adopt the values 1, 2 and 3)
adjustment of maximum heating supply temperature (can adopt values ranging between
20 and 45°C)
- T0 is the room temperature level, considered to be saving status
- T1 is the room temperature level, considered to be reduction status
- T2 is the room temperature level, considered to be comfort status
- PROG SAN, if set at 1, means that the domestic hot water function is active continually throughout the entire day;
if set at 2, it means that the operating time programme for the domestic hot water is independent from the heating
time programme; if set at 3, it means that the operating time programme for the domestic hot water is linked to the
heating time programme.
All the parameters can be changed using the keys K+ o K–.
Return to the operating mode takes place automatically, after 2 minutes, or manually by using key KM.
If the MODO FUNZ parameter has been set at 4 (see section 6.2), the adjustment of TMP AMB T0, TMP AMB T1
and TMP AMB T2 is disabled.
All the afore-mentioned operating parameters are memorized within an Eeprom-type memory, which stores them
even if the power to the remote control is cut.
- press keys K+ o K- to select the pre-set programme nearest to one’s requirements;
- press key K1 (OK) in order to load the programme in the memory or press key K2 (ANNULLA) to return to the
previous menu without loading any pre-set programme.
Once the programme has been loaded, the display returns to show the menu of the domestic hot water programming
mode. By means of the procedure for programming the timebands, as per the previous section, it is possible to
customize the pre-set programme, loaded in the memory.
Having loaded and possibly customized the pre-set programme, just press key KM to save it and return to the
main page.
If the display shows the histogram bar 11 as per figure 3, it means that the programme set above is already active.
If this is not so, follow the instructions in section 5.2 to activate it.
The pre-set programmes are as follows: