hand pulse to test your body fat. The LCD will show your body fat in window 3 when test is finished,
or it will show “-----” if it’s failed.
f. Taking Asian measure: body fat under 19 is thin; between 19 and 24 is realistic weight; between 24
and 27 is overweight; over 27 is obese.
Pulse testing:
In non-exercise status, hold both of your hands on the pulse sensors, the LCD will
show the index, the heart shape light will show the pulse twinkling.
Computer’s indication for the malfunction of speed /incline sensor:
A. Er01: Speed failure. After the treadmill starts, if there is any speed malfunction, it will stop after
running for 6 seconds. Computer will back to ready status and time window shows “Er01”. Any
operation for the computer will be wasted.
B. Er02: Overload current failure. After the treadmill starts, if there are overload current in the motor, it
will stop and time window shows “Er02”.
C. Er03: Correspond failure. When computer and driver fail to correspond, the time window shows “Er
D. Er04: Current source failure. When there is failure of the current source in the driver, the time window
shows “Er04”.
E. Incline failure:if the computer doesn’t detect incline,incline window will show”--“,you can press
/- keys to control incline.
Program Lattice diagram