©2010 Corsair Memory, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Document Number: 49-00087
FEATURES and TESTING GUIDE: October 13, 2010
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CWCH70 - Corsair Hydro Series H70
Boot the test PC and leave it idle in Windows for a minimum of 30 minutes, making sure to
record room temperature during this time. This is IDLE temperature.
Start Prime95 and select OPTIONS and then
TORTUE TEST from the menu. Select the “In
Place Large FFTs” option and click “Okay”.
Allow the CPU to heat up for 60 minutes or until the CPU Core temperatures have reached
a steady value for at least 5 minutes. You can check that the CPU Core temperatures have
stabilized by looking in the HTML output log file. This is the LOAD temperature.
Close Everest and then open the HTML Log file. Copy the results from the last 5 minutes of
the test, during which time the temperatures were steady, into a spreadsheet. Calculate the
average CPU temperature using the function “=average (
data range
)”. This is tAV
Calculate the Delta T.
Calculate the CPU DeltaT using the formula tAV - tAM = DeltaT