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C o r n i n g   C a b l e   S y s t e m s   G m b H   &   C o .   K G   ·   L e i p z i g e r   S t r .   1 2 1   ·   1 0 1 1 7   B e r l i n ,   G e r ma n y
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w w w . c o r n i n g . c o m/ c a b l e s y s t e ms

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2007 Corning Cable Systems. All rights reserved. Published in the EU.

Maintaining the Pretium FBC-015 Cleaver

The FBC-015 cleaver utilizes a unique handheld design that provides high quality cleaves that enable the
outstanding performance of Corning UniCam


 connectors.  In order to maintain this performance, the FBC-

015 requires

more diligent cleaning

 than lower technology cleavers. Ensuring the clamps and blade are

kept clean will allow consistent cleaves throughout the lifetime of the cleaver.  Additionally, the installer
needs to watch for scrap fibres in the fibre channel of the cleaver as they need to be removed to avoid
damaging the clamps and blade of the cleaver.

1. Cleaning the Clamps

Due to frequent or long term use and also through storage in unclean areas it is possible that debris is
deposited on the clamps or between the clamps. In this case please use the fibre wipes and the fibre
cleaning fluid provided with each Pretium UniCam Tool Kit to clean the clamps. Below you will find a
detailed instruction for cleaning the cleaver clamps. You can also consult the

Standard Recommended

Procedure (SRP) 006-375.

Step 1

: Fold one of the provided Fibre Wipes in half.

Step 2

: Press the button of the first clamp to be cleaned.

Step 3

: Insert the wipe in the clamp and release the button.
