Corinex Compact Headend
2.2 Grounding
To ensure the device is working properly and safely, proper grounding should be provided
during the installation. CXP-GPH is designed in such a way that grounding of the DIN rail will
in turn ground the CXP-GPH device too.
2.3 Status of the LEDs
CXP-GPH has 6 LEDs on the front including the 2 standard Ethernet port LEDs. These LEDs
show the real-time operational status of the device. All LEDs are clearly marked on the casing:
Figure 5: CXP-GPH LEDs
All LEDs except for the ones corresponding to the Ethernet port are of a single colour; green
when turned on.
Function: Shows the DC power supply and device auto-configuration status.
Different statuses are shown below:
LED Status
Fast Flashes
Slow Flashes
DC power is ON
and autoconf is
finished, or DC
power is ON and
the device is using
NVRAM settings.
DC power
is off.
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