Corinex Compact Headend
4.3 BPL Coupling
External coupler can be used to inject the BPL signal into the power line. External couplers
such as Corinex Power Line BPL coupler (E.g. CXZ-CXP-GH3 or CXZ-CXP-GH4) is required to
perform this operation. CXP-GPH is IP41 rated thus the devices should be enclosed in cabinet
to prevent direct exposure to sunlight, rain, running water, etc.
Figure 8 shows a CXP-GPH proxy device, connected to CXZ-CXP-GH3 coupler.
Figure 8: BPL coupling
For more details on how to perform the coupling to the power line, refer the
Corinex BPL
coupling user manual.
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