D5.4: Multi-sensor system integrated into wearable fabrics
FP7 248434
Introduction and features
Executive summary
This document accompanies the actual / “physical” prototypes of the MOBISERV Wearable
Health Supporting Unit (WHSU) (shirt and band for daily use, pyjamas for night use,
together with a data logger and an application on PC). It aims at providing general
information about the prototype(s) and to briefly explain how they work.
General overview
The WHSU can be used in two different configurations. The first one concerns the direct use
with secondary user; that means without the need of the complete MOBISERV infrastructure.
The two actors are the patient and the healthcare professional. The figure below shows the
configuration needed.
Figure 1: Direct connection with secondary user
This configuration can be used in the hospital or during a medical examination and does not
need any intervention from the patient.
The second configuration is the complete system involving the PRU, the SHACU and the
WSHU. This configuration is used daily at home. The difference between the two
configurations is the application on PC. The viewer for the secondary user allows the
visualization of the whole set of vital signs and extracted parameters in real time while the
second configuration is a full long term monitoring of the patient in his/her daily life.
The data logger monitors vital signs (ECG and respiration), activity (3-axis acceleration) and
physiological extracted parameters, which are Heart rate (HR), Breathing rate (BR), activity
classification (lying, standing, walking, running and others). All the data can be recorded
(daily or nightly sessions) in a removable SD memory card (recording mode) or / and sent in
real time via Bluetooth to a PC (streaming mode). All recorded vital sign and processed data
can be downloaded via USB link while the data logger is recharging. It is a convenient,
economical way for later review of the recorded information.