D5.4: Multi-sensor system integrated into wearable fabrics
FP7 248434
WHSU Software package
Building blocks
Figure 14 gives an overview of the WHSU stand-alone collaborating components. This is the
first step before integrating the WHSU with the rest of the MOBISERV components to
support “F08: Encouragement for exercising” and “F06: Response to a fall of the user”.
The idea has been to offer a Graphical User Interface to enable the control of the data logger
as well as the visualization of the data extracted from an activity session and the information
that can be drawn. Java Runtime Edition JRE 1.6.0 update 27 and newer is used for
programming language.
Figure 14: Collaborating components of WHSU
Blocks specification
The following paragraphs describe the operation of each object used in Figure 14 and the
interaction between each block.