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LED will light for three seconds (to acknowledge the entry) and
then it will resume flashing fast.  

Re-enter your new master code

followed by the pound sign (#).

 The Red LED will  ligh t for  three

seconds (to acknowledge the entry), and then it wi ll flash slow.
Your new Master Code is now valid.

  Be sure to make note of it

and keep it in a secure place.

  You are now back at the main

program menu.


To set Master Code to 382436, enter:

2 00 # 382436 # 382436 #

Add or Change a User Code

Enter 2  and th e Red LED wi ll li ght f or three secon ds and  then

flash fast.  Enter the three-digit User Number (001 - 200) to be
added or changed followed by the pound sign (#).  Preceding
zeros are optional and may be omitted here.    Enter the 4 to 8
digit User Code followed by the pound sign (#).   The Red LED will
ligh t for  three sec onds ( to ack nowled ge the ent ry),  then th e Red
LED will continue to flash fast.  Re-enter the new User Code
foll owed by t he pound sign  (#).   The Red LED  will  ligh t for  three
seconds, and then it will flash slow. The new User Number and
User Code have been accepted.  You are now back at the main
programming m enu.  To add more users enter [2] and repeat the
above procedure for all desired User Codes.


To add code 2468 in User Slot 1, Enter:

2 001 # 2468 # 2468 #

To add code 55555555 in User Slot 55, Enter:

2 55 # 55555555 # 55555555 #

To change code for User 1 to 24680, Enter:

2 1 # 24680 # 24680 #

Erase an Individual User Code

Only the User Codes are erasable. The Master Code may be

changed but not erased.  Enter 3 and the Red LED will light for
three sec onds a nd then  it wi ll beg in to  flas h fast .  Enter  the User
Code you wish to erase, not the User slot number, followed by the
pound sign (#). The Red LED will light for three seconds (to
acknowledge the entry), then it will begin to flash slow.  You are
now back at the main program menu.


To erase User 1 from previous example, enter:

3 24680 #

Erase all User Codes

Enter 4  and th e Red LED wi ll li ght f or three secon ds and  then

it will flash fast.  Enter the Master Code, followed by the pound
sign (#).  The Red LED will light for three seconds (to acknowledge
the entry), then it will flash very fast for 35 seconds while erasure
is ta king place.  When  the Red LE D flas hes slo w agai n it i ndicates
that the erasure is completed.  You are now back at the main
program menu.


To erase all users, enter: 4 382436 #

Note:  Erasing all User Codes will not affect the Master Code.  

which may be changed but not erased.)


Factor y Reset  Function

Press t he RESET  butt on on t he back  of the k eypad.  The Red

LED will light steady for 3 seconds and then continue to flash

slow. Enter 


#.  The Red LED will light steady for 3 seconds

and then continue to flash slow while a continuous tone will be
heard. Press the RESET button on the back of the keypad once
again.  The factory-set master is restored to 


the factor y-set

user code is restored to 


, and the door unlock time reverts

back to 

5 seconds



Here are some common problems you may find when using

the keypad, along with solutions to those problems.



 The Red LED is no t dis playing t he prop er

sequence while programming.


Most likely, a step or key stroke was missed while

programming.  There are two ways to recover if you end up in
this situation:


Wait approximately 3 seconds until Red LED goes out,
then enter an asterisk (*) to remain in program m ode. The
Red LED will flash slow signifying that you are still in
program mode.  Repeat desired programming.


Wait ap proxi mat ely 21 s econds  for t he keypa d to res et
itsel f. Dur ing t his t ime t he keypa d will beep fo r thr ee
seconds. The Red LED will go out for 15 seconds, and
the keypad will beep again. After the Red LED lights up
again for three seconds you will be out of the program
mode. Enter program mode by entering **, then your
Master  Code, t hen ** a gain.   Repeat des ired



The keypad does not respond when pressing the



Make sur e the keyp ad and  all el ectro nic dev ices

have been p roperly wi red to t he power suppl y and t he power
has no t been tu rned of f (See 

Installation and Wiring the





The keypad responds but the door does not open.


There are two common causes for this type of

problem; one is related to programming and the other is
related to wiring.  Here are two things to check to eliminate or
remedy these causes:


Make sure the Green LED goes on and remains solid
when the code is entered. If not, the code that was
entered has not been programmed yet.  Try programming
this  code in to th e keypad  again  (See 

Add or Change a

User Code

 in the  

Programming the Keypad 



Enter the Master Code and make sure the door opens
correctly. If not, re-check the keypad wiring and the
stri ke s int egrit y (See 

Installation and Wiring the





A User Code was deleted but it still works.


There was more than one user with the same code. 

The keypad does not prevent someone from entering
duplicate codes, but it is a good idea to limit the use of
dupli cate co des.  Fo r instance,  let s say t hat Us er 2 and  User
4 both had a User Code of 8888. When User 4 leaves the
company and his User Code is deleted using Function 3, it is
really the code for User 2 that is deleted (the first 8888 that
the program comes across) and the code for User 4 is still
there.   All co des sho uld be a ssig ned. O therwi se, if  a user
select ed 5678 as a code, it  may already be in  use.
