A deceptively simple pedal - lots of chunk and harmonics with a
hair-trigger response.
DISTORTION: Adjusts the amount of distortion from
minimum (fully counter-clockwise) to maximum (fully
clockwise). As this control is increased, the pedal gets louder and
thicker as well as more distorted.
SWITCH (OFF LO HI): This three position switch activates a
midrange scoop filter. Off is no filtering, Lo is a moderate scoop,
and Hi is an extreme scoop. Because the switch cuts midrange
frequencies, you may need to adjust the Volume control upwards
to compensate for a slight loss in volume when the Switch is set
to Lo or Hi.
VOLUME: Controls the overall volume of the pedal from
minimum (fully counter-clockwise) to maximum (fully
clockwise), with plenty of range to allow even low Distortion
settings. WARNING: this pedal has lots of volume, so start with
your amp and the Volume control turned down.
BYPASS: The true bypass footswitch engages and disengages
the pedal.
SAMPLE SETTINGS: (Remember, these are only starting points.)
“Modern Metal”
(A massive wall of distortion that leaps from
your fingers. Rewards a light touch – a shredder’s delight.)
Distortion – 3:00
Switch – Hi
Volume – 12:00
“Eighties Hollywood Metal”
(Big hair rawk. The beginnings of
Distortion – 12:00
Switch – Lo
Volume – 12:00
“Old School Metal”
(Metal tone before scooping became the
norm. It’s almost a fuzz – try it with your neck pickup.)
Distortion – Minimum (7:00)
Switch – Off
Volume – 1:30