C O N T R O L S Y S T E M S & S O L U T I O N S
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Neutral Isolation
The AC neutral is isolated from battery ground. Up to 3kV of potential difference may be tolerated.
Connecting the neutral to battery ground is optional and will not affect the generator readings either way.
Phase A Required
Phase A Voltage and CT inputs must be connected in order for the XCAN-AC to determine frequency and
phase angle. In the event of Phase A loss in a three-phase wye connection, the voltages and currents on the
other two phases will still be reported, but the frequency will be reported as zero, and the KVar and KW
readings will be based on a power factor of 1.0.
All CT Returns Required
The XCAN-AC generator socket has six pins assigned to the Current Transformers. Each CT return wire must
be routed back to the correct pin on the connector. Mixing return connections, or combining returns into a
single wire will result in bad readings.
Unused Inputs
Unused voltage inputs should be tied to neutral (except when using Delta connection, see below). Unused
CT inputs should be tied to their respective return.
Delta Connection Instructions
To use the XCAN-AC with Delta-wired generators, follow these steps connect the voltage inputs as described
below. The CTs connect the same as for wye wiring.
AC Power Source Lead
Phase A
Phase A
Phase B
Phase C
Phase C