MegaChlor Manual
MegaChlor Manual
MegaChlor Installation (cont.)
MegaChlor Installation (cont.)
Mount the Control Box
Mount the Control Box
Find a suitable location to mount the control box, meeting the following requirements:
Find a suitable location to mount the control box, meeting the following requirements:
1. Vertical installation with the two cables coming out the bottom (i.e. all the words are right side up)
1. Vertical installation with the two cables coming out the bottom (i.e. all the words are right side up)
2. Out of direct sunlight
2. Out of direct sunlight
3. Exposed to minimal rain and moisture
3. Exposed to minimal rain and moisture
a. Even though the box is water resistant, reducing moisture exposure will minimize the
a. Even though the box is water resistant, reducing moisture exposure will minimize the
chance of moisture getting inside the box
chance of moisture getting inside the box
4. On a flat location on the pool or spa skirt that:
4. On a flat location on the pool or spa skirt that:
a. is close enough for the power supply cable to reach the outlet
a. is close enough for the power supply cable to reach the outlet
b. keeps the cable protected, e.g. on a post or wall nearby
b. keeps the cable protected, e.g. on a post or wall nearby
c. is close enough for the 10-foot electrode cable to reach, with the electrode hanging in the
c. is close enough for the 10-foot electrode cable to reach, with the electrode hanging in the
deepest part of the water
deepest part of the water
The MegaChlor
MegaChlor box mounting flange has two large holes, allowing for installing the screws first. There
box mounting flange has two large holes, allowing for installing the screws first. There
are also four corner holes that can be used to mount the control box to the surface.
are also four corner holes that can be used to mount the control box to the surface.
1. Install the two small screws
Install the two small screws
inches apart and
inches apart and
inches or more below the top edge of the
inches or more below the top edge of the
shell part of the pool or spa.
shell part of the pool or spa.
2. Place the box onto the screws and slide the box down.
Place the box onto the screws and slide the box down.
3. Tighten the screws.
Tighten the screws.
Drape the MegaChlor Electrode
Drape the MegaChlor Electrode
Lift the lid off the pool or spa (if applicable) and drape the electrode over the side into the water. For best
Lift the lid off the pool or spa (if applicable) and drape the electrode over the side into the water. For best
1. Place the electrode in the deepest location in the water. When generating chlorine, the bubbles
1. Place the electrode in the deepest location in the water. When generating chlorine, the bubbles
will travel up and, if the electrode is in the deepest location, those bubbles will be in contact with
will travel up and, if the electrode is in the deepest location, those bubbles will be in contact with
the water for as much time as possible.
the water for as much time as possible.
2. Keep in a vertical orientation. If it is horizontal, it will generate less chlorine, due to trapped
2. Keep in a vertical orientation. If it is horizontal, it will generate less chlorine, due to trapped
bubbles reducing the available space on the plates inside.
bubbles reducing the available space on the plates inside.
3. If your pool also has a pool cleaner, make sure that the electrode is in a location where the
3. If your pool also has a pool cleaner, make sure that the electrode is in a location where the
cleaner will not get tangled in the cable.
cleaner will not get tangled in the cable.
4. The electrode can be located in the filter area if it will fit—but this is not recommended, as the
4. The electrode can be located in the filter area if it will fit—but this is not recommended, as the
bubbles will not be in contact with the water as long as they otherwise would in a deeper location.
bubbles will not be in contact with the water as long as they otherwise would in a deeper location.
Plus, when the pump is off, the filter door may close, trapping the chlorine in the filter area
Plus, when the pump is off, the filter door may close, trapping the chlorine in the filter area
instead of in the overall pool or spa.
instead of in the overall pool or spa.
5. The
5. The MegaChlor
MegaChlor includes two cable clips. Use one of the clips (
includes two cable clips. Use one of the clips (
” clip and a #6 x
” clip and a #6 x
” screw) to
” screw) to
fasten the cable to the side of the pool or spa, if necessary.
fasten the cable to the side of the pool or spa, if necessary.