BB2-7030 User Guide – Rev. 1.0
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The Babel Buster BB2-7030 is a BACnet gateway and router. It may be used as either or both, in
various ways for different applications. In its simplest form as a router, it will route a single
MS/TP network to a single BACnet IP network. It may be used as a router to interconnect
multiple BACnet MS/TP via IP networks. It may even be used to traverse NAT routers on a
WAN connection to connect distant buildings via Internet.
The BB2-7030 includes proxy support such that devices that do not support dynamic binding
(Who-Is, I-Am) can be represented by proxy by the BB2-7030. The BB2-7030 will act as proxy
for both MS/TP and BACnet IP devices.
The BB2-7030 may be used as a transparent MS/TP to BACnet IP router, or as an object server
gateway where the BB2-7030 autonomously polls devices, stores the present value of a given set
of objects, and allows other BACnet devices to query the BB2-7030 to obtain that data. Going
the other direction, the BB2-7030 will act as a store and forward device for writing to BACnet
Here is an example of the gateway functionality solving a problem: A BACnet IP front end
periodically writes values to objects in MS/TP devices. The front end will periodically write
regardless of whether data values have changed. The MS/TP device, on the other hand, does not
want to receive updates unless the data value has changed. A transparent BACnet IP to MS/TP
router will not solve this problem. But a properly configured BB2-7030 gateway will solve this
problem by receiving all writes from the front end, and only forwarding them via MS/TP when
the data value has changed at all or by a user-specified margin. The BACnet Client portion of the
BB2-7030 is used to accomplish this.