BB2-7030 User Guide – Rev. 1.0
Page 21
Rule number simply tells you where you're at on the list of object maps. Click "next" and "prev"
to scroll through the list. To advance directly to a specific map, enter the desired number in the
"Map #" box, then click Update.
The local object data may be written periodically, or when it changes, or both. To send upon
change (send on delta), check the first box and enter the amount by which the local object must
change before being written to the remote device. To guarantee that the remote object will be
written at least occasionally even if the data does not change, check the second box and enter
some amount of time. This time period will be referred to as the "maximum quiet time".
Data from the local object may be manipulated before being written to the remote register. The
local data is first multiplied by the scale factor. The offset is then added to it.
For the remote object to be written, enter the object instance and type, index if applicable (leave
at 0 if not), and priority to use of the object being written is commandable. The names in the
device list are defined in the Devices page.
The repeat time may determine how often the remote object will be written. If send on delta and
maximum quiet time are not checked above, clicking the "at least" button will establish a
periodic update time. If send on delta is used and you wish to limit the network traffic in the
event changes are frequent, click the "no more than" button and enter the minumum time that
should elapse before another write to the remote device.
Delete will remove the rule number shown in the "Map #" box. Insert will insert a new map
before the map number shown, and is used for placing maps between existing maps. It is not