IMPORTANT: It is critical that the Freeze Alarm be tested at the location of actual use since local telephone
lines and systems vary and may affect performance (please see warranty).
1. Before starting, please read the Warranty on the last page for important information.
2. Connect the temperature sensor to the back of the Freeze Alarm
3. Connect the plug-in power supply to the +12VDC port on the back of the unit and plug into a 110 VAC wall outlet.
4. Install 9 volt alkaline battery (not included) in back of unit. If it is not installed within 5 minutes of the plug-in
power supply, a low battery alarm will occur.
5. Select and set dip switch options on back of unit – see Dip Switch Table.
6. Plug any standard Touch Tone™ telephone into the PHONE receiver port located on the front panel.
7. Follow procedure in Programming Instructions section described below.
8. After programming is complete, disconnect the telephone from the front port of the Freeze Alarm. Then connect
one end of the phone cord to the OUT TO WALL JACK port on the back of the unit, and the other end to a standard
telephone jack.
Programming Instructions
The menu structure of the Freeze Alarm is shown below. These are the sub-menus that will be played when any of the
main menu selections are pressed.
If you press “1”, “2” or “3”
Call out telephone number ( 1 / 2 / 3 ) is now xxxxxxx
To change press zero
Otherwise to return to the main menu press one
If a “4” is pressed:
The current temperature is xxx degrees
To return to the main menu press one otherwise hangup
If the Freeze Alarm does not recognize an entry, you will hear "invalid entry" and the menu selections will be replayed.
Re-enter your menu selection within 15 seconds to continue with the programming sequence.
IMPORTANT: After programming, disconnect your telephone from the PHONE receiver port on the front of the
Freeze Alarm. The phone cannot be used for outgoing phone calls while connected to the Freeze Alarm.
When the Freeze Alarm is first powered up it will not check any of the alarm conditions for
5 minutes. After this initial 5 minute start up period, the alarm conditions will be checked
continuously. The battery voltage will be checked every 10 minutes.
When the programming phone is picked up the alarm conditions are checked and any alarms present are reported.
If the call out is active and has not been disabled, the menu will give you the option of disabling the alarm call out.
The Freeze Alarm is programmed by following a series of menu driven voice commands and can be reprogrammed
remotely or locally from any Touch Tone™ telephone.
"You are now in the main menu:"
"To review or program call out telephone number one, press 1."
"To review or program call out telephone number two, press 2."
"To review or program call out telephone number three, press 3."
"For the current temperature, press 4."
"To review or program the (high / low) temperature alarm setpoint, press 5."
"To review or program the security code, press 6."
"For the battery status, press 7."
"For the power status, press 8."
"To record a message, press 9."