AREA CODES: Area codes are often changing and the rules for dialing
within an area code also change frequently. Make sure you change your
call-to phone numbers if area codes or calling rules change in your area.
TEST YOUR FREEZEALARM: It is critical that you test your
FreezeAlarm by following the test procedure on page 18. All phone
numbers should be tested to ensure they are programmed correctly and
that the FreezeAlarm works properly with your phone line.
Review or Program Pager Display Information: If one or more of the phone
numbers you program are to a numeric pager, you can program a numeric
message that will be displayed on the pager when it calls. This can be any
numeric message up to 15 characters in length.
MENU OPTION 2: Review or Program the Temperature Alarm Setpoints:
This menu option lets you set the high and low temperatures at which you want
the FreezeAlarm to dial out for a temperature alarm.
The factory setting for the low temperature alarm is 45° whether you have the
unit set to read temperatures in Fahrenheit or Celsius. The high temperature
alarm setpoint is 100°F or °C. You can select a temperature alarm setpoint
anywhere from -66 to 301°F (-54 to 149°C). The FreezeAlarm can read
temperatures to you in either °F or °C based on dip switch number six.
negative temperature alarm setpoint, you will need to precede the desired
negative temperature with a *. For example, if you want a temperature alarm
setpoint of negative 15°, press
* 1 5 #
on your telephone keypad when requested.
This will be played back to you by the FreezeAlarm as “negative fifteen
MENU OPTION 3: Review or Program the Security Code:
The security code is used for two functions by the FreezeAlarm.
Password Protection to prevent unauthorized persons from accessing your
FreezeAlarm remotely. The factory set security code is 9999. It is highly
recommended you change this and write the security code down on the front
of this manual and in a safe place at all your call-to locations. Security codes
must have four numeric digits.
Location Identifier. The security code also provides a location code to the
person answering an alarm call from the FreezeAlarm. The FreezeAlarm
will note that there is a specific alarm condition “at location ####”. This
allows a service or monitoring company to quickly identify which location is
calling so they can dispatch service personnel to your monitored location
most efficiently. This is also an easy way to hear what your security code is
if you have forgotten the code.
If you have forgotten your security code, there is no way to remotely change the
code. You will need to go to the monitored location, plug a phone into the front
of the FreezeAlarm, go to menu option 3 in the programming menu and review or
change the security code at that time. If you are receiving alarm calls from your
FreezeAlarm, the unit will tell you the security code during the alarm message.
MENU OPTION 4: Review or Program the Number of Rings Before the Unit
This is also referred to as the “incoming ring count”. When you call your
FreezeAlarm from a remote location, the FreezeAlarm will be waiting to hear a
specified number of rings before it picks up. You can select the number of rings
you wish the FreezeAlarm to hear before it will pick up. Through this menu
option, you can select to have the FreezeAlarm answer after a specific number of
rings have been counted by the FreezeAlarm. The factory default incoming ring
count is set at five rings. You can set the ring count from 1 to 30 rings.
This feature is provided for several reasons:
If you have an answering machine or voice mail at the monitored location,
you generally want people calling that location to be able to leave a message.
If the FreezeAlarm answers before your message system answers it will
override the answering machine or voice mail. You can program the
FreezeAlarm to answer on a number of rings that is greater than that of your
message system and still have people leave messages for you. To gain
access to your FreezeAlarm instead of the message system, follow the
procedures outlined in Use of Answering Machines or Voice Mail at the
Monitored Location on page 21.
When you are visiting your monitored location, you may receive frequent
phone calls from outside callers. With a smaller incoming ring count
selected, there is the possibility the FreezeAlarm could answer if several
callers called in sequence within a three and a half minute period of time. If
you normally receive a lot of calls at the monitored location, you may wish
to set the incoming ring count to a higher number. This is helpful for
businesses who receive a lot of calls or for vacation rental companies that are
monitoring multiple locations and don’t want their guests to even know there
is a FreezeAlarm in their rental property.
MENU OPTION 5: Review or Program the Number of Minutes the Power
Should be Out Before Calling with a Power Alarm:
The FreezeAlarm has the ability to call you if the power to the FreezeAlarm has
failed. Through this menu option, you can select the number of minutes that the
power should be out before it calls you with a power out alarm. You can select
any number of minutes from 1 to 120. The power will have to be out
continuously for the number of minutes selected before calling you. For
example, if you have the power out timer set at 60 minutes and the power goes
out for 40 minutes and then comes back on for a brief moment and then goes off
again, the timer resets to zero. The FreezeAlarm will keep track of the number of