Variable reading time-band energy counters
10 groups of pages to display active energy counter (positive and negative) and reactive (capacitive
and inductive) divided in 4 programmable time bands (P1-P2-P3-P4). The 10 pages are: consumption
present, previous and two year before, consumption present, previous and and two month before,
consumption of today, yesterday and two day before and total counter of bands.
In a voice of menu setup (paragraph 10.5) it’s possible to program times, days and months in which
the energy count is added at the different bands.
External signals, connected to digital inputs, and with a right programming, can change the bands in
the time.
If the energy is Heavy the values are displayed in MWh and MVArh.
The first visualization group of
time bands shows the energies of
Pressing the RIGHT key the
instrument will display the reactive
energy page of the P1 band of
The second visualization group of
time bands shows the energies of
yesterday. It’s displayed after the
previous group pressing the UP key.
The third visualization group of time
bands shows the energies of two
days before. It’s displayed after the
previous group pressing the UP key.
The fourth visualization group of
time bands shows the energies of
this month. It’s displayed after the
previous group pressing the UP key.
The fifth visualization group of
time bands shows the energies of
previous month. It’s displayed
after the previous group pressing the UP key.
The sixth visualization group of time
bands shows the energies of two
months before. It’s displayed after
the previous group pressing the UP key.
The seventh visualization group of
time bands shows the energies of
this year. It’s displayed after the
previous group pressing the UP key.
The eighth visualization group of
time bands shows the energies of
previous year. It’s displayed after
the previous group pressing the UP key.
The ninth visualization group of time
bands shows the energies of two
years before. It’s displayed after the
previous group pressing the UP key.