CAB-110S/CAB-135S Art. 10115105/10115106
Media mixture too rich. Adjust media/air mixture per Section 4.3.3.
6.5. Media bridging
Frequent bridging or blockage in the metering valve can be caused by damp
media. Media becomes damp by blasting parts that are slightly oily, from moisture in the
compressed air line, or from absorption.
To avoid contaminating media from the work piece, all parts put into the cabinet
should be clean and dry. If parts are oily or greasy I degrease and dry them prior to blasting.
Moist compressed air may be due to a faulty compressor that overheats, or
pumps oil or moisture into the air line, too long an air line permitting moisture to condense
on the inside, and from high humidity. Drain filters and receiver tank regularly. If the problem
persists, it may be necessary to change media more often, or install a refrigerated air dryer.
Absorption: Some media tends to absorb moisture from the air, especially fine-
mesh media in high humidity areas. Empty the media and store it in an airtight container
when cabinet is not in use.
6.6 Neither media nor air comes out the nozzle when the
foot pedal is pressed
Door interlocks not engaging. Check adjustment per Section 4.3.6.
Blocked or leaking control lines. Check all fittings and urethane tubing for
blockage or leaks.
Foot pedal 3-way valve defective or not engaging. Check foot pedal alignment,
and inlet and outlet lines for pressure.
Check that lines are not reversed on the foot pedal or pilot regulator.
Check that the pressure regulator is not turned too low. Minimum pressure is 3 bar.
Check that the compressor is on and air supplied to the cabinet.
Nozzle plugged. See Section 6.4.
6.7 Blasting does not stop when the foot pedal is
Make sure that the 3-way valve in the foot pedal exhausts air when the pedal is
released. If it does not, check the line for blockage, and check the switch for defect.