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ICE-HE-DXL Display Control Center Product Manual 042021
RF Output Level
The RF output will be connected to the input of a combiner to insert the iCC-Net data channel into the RF distribution system. The RF
output level adjustment has a range from 14 to 45 dBmv. The default setting is 29 dBmv. The RF level should be set to match the level of
the modulators or CATV channels as they enter the combiner. Typically, when used with QMOD modulators, the RF output level will not
need to be changed as the QMOD default RF level of 29 dBmv matches the default RF level of the ICE-HE-DXL.
RS-232/Telnet Two-Way Communication Protocol
The ICE-HE-DXL full duplex RS-232/Telnet protocol is available for configuration and status monitoring. All commands are sent as ASCII
strings. No delays between characters or commands are required, as data is interrupt driven and buffered.
Communications parameters are 1200 to 230,400 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, and 1 stop bit. Factory default is 19,200 baud. All settings are
saved to NVRAM in the decoder. The RS-232 port will accept non-standard control such as voltage that swings from 0 to +5 VDC, commonly
found when IR ports are used to send RS-232 commands.
The same commands can be sent over IP Telnet (up to two sessions). The default telnet port is 23.
General Protocol Specifications
Characters in command strings to the ICE-HE-DXL are common ASCII keyboard characters. Command strings sent to the ICE-HE-DXL begin
with the ASCII > (greater than symbol) as an ‘Attention’ character and end with carriage return
- ASCII CR, Hex $0D, or keyboard Enter - as an
command’ character.
Responses from the ICE-HE-DXL
begin with the ASCII < (less than symbol) as an ‘Attention’ character and end with a carriage return followed
by a line feed -
ASCII LF or Hex $0A as an ‘End
command’ character.
A carriage return is required at the end of each command and is assumed in all examples.
Command String Structure
[Attention][Unit #] [Command] (Parameters) [Return]
Single character (>) starts the string
Unit #
The unit number is fixed at Unit #1, omitting unit number will default to Unit #1
A two-character command
Added attributes to some commands
A carriage return ends the command string. ASCII CR, Hex $0D, or keyboard ‘Enter’ may be used in programming. For
simplicity, the programming examples in the manual will n
ot show the ‘CR’.
Command and Status Response
Commands can be sent back-to-back at any time without any delay. To allow for rapid, multiple commands, status responses are
intentionally delayed by about 125mS, sending the most current status in response to control commands or user actions.
String Example
The example below is a command to set the subnet mask followed by the response string.
<1$MAC=0014C810003C IP= IG= IM= IY=1
RS-232 Commands
Front Panel
LCD Backlight
Sets LCD display backlight brightness 0-9
LCD Contrast
Sets LCD display contrast 0-8
Set Front Panel Lockout Mode
Press Select and Right key to unlock temporarily