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ICE-HE-DXL Display Control Center Product Manual 042021
The ICE-HE-DXL Display Control Center is an integral component of the iCC-Net over-the-coax RF display control solution. The unit is the
required interface between an AV control system and the ICC1-IRX and ICC1-232 display controllers and the ICC1-TC tuner/controllers. The
unit receives the iCC-Net control command data from the control system and processes it for transmission in a narrow band RF signal in the
gap between RF channels 4 and 5. Control command data may be received by TCP over the Ethernet connection or RS-232 via the DB-9
connector or USB virtual com port.
iCC-Net Control commands may originate from a Display Express server PC, the embedded Display Express Lite web page, or a third-party
control system.
An on-board web server hosts the Display Express Lite control software. The software is accessible using an internet browser from a tablet,
smart phone, or computer. The software is easy to configure and may be used for control of up to 128 display controllers or
tuner/controllers. Control functions include power on/off, volume and channel selection from up to 32 source channels.
The ICE-HE-DXL may also be used as the control interface in a hybrid RF/IPTV or IPTV only distribution system along with QIP-D or QIP-DVX
IPTV decoder/controllers.
For insertion of ICC-Net control signal into CATV distribution system
One-way control for over 4000 displays over RF coax network
Compatible with ICC1-IRX, ICC1-232 display controllers and ICC1-TC tuner/controllers
Simultaneous iCC-Net control data packets broadcast over IP
Compatible with QIP-D and QIP-DVX IPTV decoder/controllers
Display Express Lite control software accessible from built-in webserver
Accepts iCC-Net control commands from Display Express Server PC or third-party control system
Receives iCC-Net control commands via RS-232 or TCP
Front panel LCD display with 6-button keypad for configuration and status monitoring
Front and rear panel USB virtual com ports
Firmware updatable over RS-232 or Ethernet
Convenient 1 RU half width chassis with rack mount kit included.