Serial I/O Unit First step guide
Installing the Software
Although some user interfaces are different depending on the OS used, the basic procedure is the same.
Log on as administrator when installing.
< Installing the Drivers>
(1) Insert the Disk [COM Setup Disk] into your PC.
(2) Run [\USB\COM-4CX-USB\Setup.exe] from the
supplied Disk.
(3) Follow the instruction on the screen to proceed with
the installation.
You have now finished installing the software.
Installing the Hardware
(1) Load the Disk [COM Setup Disk] on your PC.
(2) Connect this product to the USB port on PC by the
USB cable.
(3) The "Found New Hardware Wizard" appears.
Select "Install the software automatically" and click
the "Next" button.
You have now finished installing the hardware.